Stan Antonuk, Monique Antonuk, Carl Sieber, Kowabunga, Think Partnership
Local Pornographer Stan Antonuk Attempts to Stifle his Employees Right to Free Speech

Internet & Web

Local pornographers Stan and Monique Antonuk are notorious for their involvement in the swingers and nudist lifestyle and Antonuk is the CEO for Kowabunga, the Clearwater based pornographic and adult advertising company. It seems as though Antonuk would only prefer that the constitutional rights afforded to all US citizens by the First Amendment only apply to him and not his employees.

An online blog known as the THK Way (named after the pornographic businesses ticker symbol on the American Stock Exchange THK) found at http://thethkway. that is known to be written and maintained by current and former employees of the company has recently been subpoenaed by Antonuk and the Company to reveal the identity of the authors. A letter posted on the blog sent by Google, the owner of the blog's host, makes mention of a court case filed by Antonuk and Kowabunga against "John Does 1 - 10" which is apparently the 10 current and former employees that participate in writing and maintaining the blog.

According to an email sent to the blogger's contact, the bloggers have already consulted the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation for help with their legal strategies. Antonuk, who earns his lavish living relying on his First Amendment Rights as he distributes obscene pornography around the world, is now challenging the very same rights of his employees. Has the term "look who is calling the kettle black" ever been better applied?

Immediately after the latest post on The THK Way blog today, Stan Antonuk and Carl Sieber began interrogating certain employees about their knowledge of the blog accompanying with threats and other intimidation tactics. These type of coercion did not and will not prove to be successful. Stan Antonuk is clearly upset that people can have opinions that are different than his, and not everyone likes to swap their wives, socialize in the nude, or distribute obscene pornography. Stan's continued attempts to squash the first amendment rights of everyone else except himself will not be successful.

Company: Stan Antonuk, Monique Antonuk, Carl Sieber, Kowabunga, Think Partnership
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 15550 Lightwave Drive
Phone: 7273240046
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