State Express Courier
If it sounds to good tobe true its a scam

Internet & Web

I found a job posting on yahoo hot jobs for a courier sevice named state express courier 1430 flower street glendale CA. All I was suposed to do was receive packages and repack them and send them off so I filled out thier contract asking for my name number email SSN# ect. I didnt think much of it at the because they were listed in bbb web site same adress same web address they had a web site and everything but when I received a package and tried to call them it said the number was disconected I tried emailing ashley Irwin but it said that the address didnt exsist and Alexander yosiff's email address changed from to also the web site changed to.Us so I contacted the FBI.

Company: State Express Courier
Country: USA
State: California
City: Glendale
Address: 1430 Flower Street
Phone: 8883153335
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State Express Courier
This is my complaint

State Express Courier
IDENTITY THEFT-MAIL SCAM identity theft, credit card fraud, mail fraud

State Express Courier
(alexander Yosiff -Ashley Irwin) they ask me for my information ss# dl#bank # routing # the work did not think nothing of it

State Express Courier
Lincare Inc Per Yahoo Jobs Customer Service - LinCare Inc, Memphis Tennessee Glendale

State Courier Express
Yosiff Alexander - Ashley Irwin Fake Yahoo job offer involves MAIL SCAM, CREDIT CARD FRAUD, IDENTITY SCAM

State Express Courier
Agreement of employing, then company 'disappeared'

State Express Courier
Employment Scam

State Express Courier
They ask me for my information ss# dl#bank # routing # the work did not think nothing of it

Courier -
Consumer Report

Courier -
Consumer Report