Angela Stevens
Angela Penbrook - Angela Christianson - Maryanne Kennedy Rebate processing in your home and/or bend over and grab your ankles at home, you decide!

Internet & Web

I am disabled do to having cancer twice, once in the throat and having half a lung removed do to, what else, lung cancer.

I'm on the computer quite often and saw an advertisement on processing rebates at home, I though, wrong thing to do, gee, it will help fill my time at home, keep me busy, and make some money from home to help with the medical bills, credit cards, and get off SSDI. That's as far as the Processathome goes, the bend over and grab your ankles at home, now begins.

I signed up for the program, the advertisement seemed to be clear, used my credit card to pay for the "program". Right off the start there was a warning that it was NOT a scam but a true business opportunity. I should have known right there, but my trusting nature led me besides it gave a whopping 90 day guaruntee. I'm safe right?

After they received my money I was warmly greeted and was told I would start my course number one to get certified. There was no mention of this in the advertisement only you'd be certified, and soon. It was some other business opportunities I wasn't interested in and it said something about nest weeks course, I thought that was odd because that would take it right nest to the 90 mark to get your refund. So, I started gathering information.

Week two came and gone, but while I was waiting for "course"number two, I get a phone call wanting to "help"me be a success, that surely I didn't want to be just a rebate processor and they could show me how to get ahead by using my credit cards "the right way"with there help, of course. I told them I just wanted to be a rebate processor and that's it. He got a bit indignant and tried to argue and I hung up the phone.

This is a long story, so, I'll cut it short by telling you, I had to contact processathome, they took there time and finally replied, sorry of course. See where this is going? I told them I was upset and I got next weeks "course". This happened again and I told them it was a scam and I wanted my money back, well I got "course 3" with their excuse. It happened three, no four times fighting to get through to get certified. On "week" 6, which was actually week 10, I was contacted by firm that is in kahoots with Angela Stevens, they convinced me that I needed to be incorporated so these big companies would take more notice to a company instead of just some poor smuck who need or wanted a job. Almost 1600 dollars I shelled out to be a compay, LLC, an internet company.

I contacted Processathome again, stating I was now a company and wanted that database for rebate processing, online, and I was told to ask for a coach. I followed through and I received a phone call from that some company that wanted to play with my credit cards, wanting to make me one of their success stories. I siad I wanted to be a rebate processor, at home, online, and that was that. I contacted Angela Stevens, who you never really get in touch with, informing them I wanted my certification and the online database for rebate processors, and that I ought to get my refund back since they never completed their part of the transaction.

I was informed that my time had run out and the 90 days were over. I have gathered all that information and sent it to the Attorney Generals Office of this state and I'm waiting. I was told that 90% of the business opportunities on the net were scams and I believe it now.
It's elaborate, but look at it $200.00from who knows how many people and then they play with the consumers credit, and talk them into becoming an internet business for 1600 dollars. We're talking BIG BUCKs, people! I can't believe I'm the first one to claim this company as a Ripoff, you can go to I've tried that and find a whole slue of complaints.

Company: Angela Stevens
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 8721 St. Monica Blvd
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Angel Stevens Aka Angela Pembrooke
Took 197 of my dollars, then forgot their "no hassle refund guarantee" Internet

Rebate Processing Or Angel@processathome
Took a retired 67 year old woman's money Internet

Wealth Development Center - Angela Penbrook
I purchased the Angela Penbrook system because of its advertisement for rebate processors making $15 per transaction. This was a scam to buy their internet program.intenet

Angel Stevens Rebate Processing
I fell into their trap.internet

Angel Stevens -
"Rebate Processing At Home" Deception, lies, inaccuracy, delay in refund processing

Process From Home Angela Penbrook Wealth Development Center
Process From Home Angela Penbrook It appears that Angel Stevens has reinvented herself as Angela Penbrook. Different names, same scam! Internet

Angela Penbrook - Process From Home - Angel Stevens Process At HOme
Angela Penbrook - Process From Home - Angel Stevens must be a SCAM, these ppl must be one in the same. Pull up both sites at once!

Angela Penbrook / wealth Development Center
Angela penbrook rebate processing from home scam me out of $197.00

Angel Stevens -
Angel Stevens - Work Angela Penbrook is now operating as Angel Stevens

Angela Penbrook Processing From Home
Angela Penbrook, "process rebates from home." This is classic bait and switch.?