They keep charging my creditcard forsevice that was cancelled C

Internet & Web

I had signed up for this but when i read the small print I cancelled right away but they keep charging my credit card and when I call thee number provided no one ever answers. I have filed a report with my bank too. I want these charges credited and these people stopped

Company: Eznetincome
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Phone: 8665837789
Site: easy net income@supportiveteamlive.com
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Cash obtained fraudulently

AOL, American Online
Cancelled twice and they charged my card for months! Then refused to give refund and blocked my phone number!

First Premier Bank
This credit card company was start up fees and interested fees. If you don't underdtand what your reading and don't read all the small print and don't know about the fees they have. You are paying so much

Shopping Essentials
Has been charging my account for 14.95 for 6 months after a confirmed cacellation

People PC
Keeps charging me after cancel ripoff

Melt-It Off with Mitch Gaylord
Hidden charges with informercial products - Melt it Off with Mitch Gaylord

American Leisure / EZ Saver
Charged my Credit Card without my permission / Called & Cancelled / Not Done

MVQ Essential Used phising to get credit card information from restaurants.com website in 2009 and charging since No info provided

DRI* shopper and surplus supplie
Consumer Report

They have been charging my bank account for 14 months and I did not know it. I cancelled a free credit report and they are still charging me. They say I can not get my money back but they have cancell