Atlas Mouse Pads
Company has an active website, but does not seem to exist Not Sure possibly Georgia

Internet & Web

Do not order from this site!

This is supposedly a website where you can order customized mouse pads.

Just like others who reported here, I placed an order, got a confirmation both on their website and also via email, and then nothing!

My follow-up emails were not answered. However, they did not 'bounce'.

Calls to the phone number went unanswered. Googling the number showed that it had at one time belonged to a pharmacy in Georgia. cannot find the number.

My credit card company told me that nothing had been charged to my account (it is now two weeks after I placed the order).

A phone call to the company that is supposed to be handling the actual charging of the order ( did not get me very far. The receptionist confirmed that Atlas is an 'inactive' merchant. When I suggested that perhaps their system should let the buyer know that Atlas no longer exists (if it ever did!), I was put through to tech support.

The tech support person claimed that the account IS still active, and was extremely unsympathetic and refused to help in any way.

Let the buyer beware.

Company: Atlas Mouse Pads
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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