Com3gplaza Never replaced defective merchandise. Never paid rebates Parlin

Internet & Web

I returned a defective power supply to them for replacement or repair. After being told it was sent back to the manufacturer, eventually when I called to check on it, their telephone was disconnected. This item was valued at $26.49.

I also sent in a total of $270.00 in rebates for 3 different items. I never received any rebates at all.

After trying to contact them numerous times, eventually their telephone was disconnected & their web site was shut down. After reading many complaints on pricewatch.com, it was apparent that this company changed their name. The new name is Viewmicro.com. The web pages are identical. I can also log onto this company with my same user name & password as I did on 3gplaza.

It's very apparent that they are committing fraud & trying to stay 1 step ahead of everyone.

Company: 3gplaza
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: 33 Puchala Drive
Address: 33 Puchala Drive
Phone: 7323340303
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Rebate Fraud

Internet Rebate Fraud $100.00 Never Received for Computer Part

3gplaza.com / Computer3g
3gplaza.com / Computer3g 3gplaza.com Internet Rebate Fraud $550.00 Never Received for Computer Part New Jersey

Rebate fraud

Rebate ripoff

Inphonics, Rebate Processing Center
Rebate Rip-Off of $400.00

Doesn't honor it's rebates

Tiger Direct.com
Rebate ripoff No response to Email concerning rebates from Onrebate.com

Soyo Inc
Soyo ripoff, won't honor rebates, consistantly loses the rebates

3Gplaza, RebateOne
Alex, Pearl Sun, Edison Defraud 71-year-old widow out of $400 in Rebate Ripoff scheme