FreeLotto F.A.S. T FreeLottoEZWin Kevin J Aronin Guy Bingham Plas
FreeLotto F.A.S. T FreeLotto EZWin Kevin J Aronin Guy Bingham Plas Ripped Off or Not? Please tell us

Internet & Web

About eighteen months ago, via a pop up, that appeared on my screen, I enrolled with FreeLotto.initially I was informed that, because I was outside of the U.S.A., I could only have free membership for one month. After one month I was obliged to gain monthly paid membership by way of using a credit card. During the ensuing months, I was notified that I had won small prizes. Because the prizes were small, I donated same to charities as denoted on my win email advices. About four months ago I was advised by FreeLotto that as my credit card was returned, I was no longer eligible. (On having read your reports, I guess that, I might have been lucky?) Some months after I had enrolled, my wife, Betty also enrolled, at my insistence. Betty, also was told after one month that she would have to pay a subscription of $14.99 each month, to remain having a chance, of winning big time. Betty, for many months, received mail at her email address, telling her of the New York Lotto results, she also was advised on a few occassions, that she had won small prizes, which she donated to U.S.A. Charities. During April Betty received mail, telling her that, she had automtically been entered, in the DAILY FreeLottoEZWin $10,000.00 DRAWING. Since having received the April email Betty has no longer been receiving, the New York Lotto results. Betty is now beginning to suspect that, all of FreeLotto, is scam of some sort. Betty has in recent months, tried to contact FreeLotto, at the addresses available to us. Betty has not as yet, been favored with a response. This month end July Betty's credit card account, has been again, debited with ZAR116-00 (Rands which equates to /-$14.99) Would you please, be so kind as to tell us, Betty & Bob, what we should do about, all of the above. It is our earnest hope that the little money we were supposed to have won, did in fact get to the specific charities.

South Africa

Company: FreeLotto F.A.S. T FreeLottoEZWin Kevin J Aronin Guy Bingham Plas
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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