LivePerson Most Kasamba Experts are Fraudulent

Internet & Web

Two days ago, I noticed Kasamba/LivePerson mentioned on this site. I have read every post and battle dating back to plus I have researched others scam sites and message boards to validate what Ive read.
This is by far the cookiest, craziest screed I ever seen on the internet (and that says a lot). I still cant wrap my mind around it. Its like a hilarious soap opera filled with PayPal, pixie dust, chat rooms, spiritual cleansings, etc. All we are missing is Marlenas possession. And then it sets in that this is 100% real, that people lives are being ruined. Seeing how these experts have acted, spoken to each other, and what they are doing behind the scenes is appalling. It is not only unprofessional, unethical and low class, it is fraudulent and unconscionable, almost to the point of being ludicrous. I always knew that some experts were fakes (and possibly fraudulent) of course, but I didnt realize it was at this degree. This puts a stigma on those psychics who actually do possess gifts and want to help others. I understand everyone needs to make a living. But I worked my tail off for a good career, not copying, cheating or plagiarizing, stealing not riding on other peoples ideas or coat tails, and that is was these info sharers are doing.
I thought I would share my experience and officially put all this behind me. Several years ago, I was in a very very bad place. I had suddenly lost my job that I loved due to a mass lay off, my bf and I had broken up. I was lost. I had posted my resume on a few popular job search sites and I received an email from Kasamba saying theyd seen my resume and wanted me to sign up as an expert. I didnt sign up as an expert obviously. But I was curious. Curiosity killed the cat. Thats when I got involved in the site. I look back and Im so disappointed in myself for getting sucked in, but hey, I cant keep crying over spilled milk. Its done and I cant change anything. Beating myself up over it wont do anything positive or constructive for me.
I think its unfortunate that clients cant change their ratings or rate after 30 days. I was going to listed my true rating for every psychic good and bad that I spoke with. Some were just fakes at a low price trying to make a quick buck passing themselves off as a psychic and some were blatant frauds continuing to suck people in, establishing relationships, giving them constant reassurance, have these phenomenal reviews and charge a ridiculous amount of money.
But I changed my mind. Nothing positive would come out of it and I dont want to create more negative energy.
To anyone considering using Kasamba as a client, here are some tips:
- We are ALL connected to Spirit, we are ALL protected (by whatever you want to call itSource, Spirit, Archangels, God, Creator, Spirit Guides, guardian angels, Higher Self, etc.), we ALL possess gifts and have been blessed with intuition.
- Always go with that gut feeling. If something doesnt feel right in a reading, then leave. You are paying them and dont have an obligation. Regardless what any expert tells you, its your life, your money, your feelings, your heart, you HAVE choices and can make your own reality. Only YOU can make YOU happy. A reader should never make you feel that you dependent on them or their work to make your life better.
- Always do your research and read every review before choosing someone. Try local psychic first and meet with someone face to face. If you research and ask around youll be able to find
- Stay away from experts who have photos of young male or female models and make outrageous claims in their (i.E. Their picture looks like Summertime Barbie and they claim to be 13th generation Pagan decent and have over 30 years experience in black magic and the occult)
- Stay away from people who claim to possess super powers or have photos of Hercules or other ancient tribal warriors in their profiles. Or have pictures like that just walked off the set of Hot Shots Part Deux. (Come on!)
- Stay away from profiles with name that dont make sense Love Psychic Visions Soulmate Reunited Psychic Soulmate Spiritual Soul Connections Love visions (you get the picture..)
- As helpful as the other categories are on Kasamba. They make most of their money through the Spirituality & Religion category more specifically, through psychics, therefore Kasamba does not make strides to eliminate frauds. Be very picky.
- There ARE some very kind, gifted, honest experts on Kasamba, again be very picky.
- Remember, people sometimes arent who they say they are on the internet. The chance that a persona is who they say they are, is equal to the chance that they arent.
I am officially done with Kasamba and have been for a while. I dont place blame on anyone but myself. Life is about choices and in a very dark and low point in my life, I made the wrong ones. I am currently in a completely different, happier place in my life now financially, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I can only move on and up now. I hope clients find out the truth and those who have been victims of this type of fraud can get their lives back in order, get the real help they may be needing and move on. I hope those who are honest, ethical and gifted dont lose out because of those who arent. And I hope those who are enabling this horror whether it be Kasamba employees, owners, or the fraudulent experts have their conscience get the better of them and start doing the right thing. Maybe start giving back to the community or make a change to really help others for the better. No one can actually NOT hate themselves or their lives and be acting like that is on the internet or taking advantage of people. No one goes through life unscathed. Everything good or bad, always catches up to you. The shamelessness of these people is despicable. I hope the experts involved in this get professional help.
I have realized the more we fight against something, the more of it we create. Someone made a good point here, it would stop if people stopped pumping money into it daily. My only aim of this is to educate someone and hope they dont make the same mistakes I did. I am so thankful that I have a career where I can put my head down at night and know Im not ripping other off hard working citizens or hurting others to fill my pockets. Im also thankful for this experience for making me realize how lucky I am for what I have, what I do and who I am.
A real psychic and light worker who I met five years ago once told me When things seem like they cant get any worse, when you are at the lowest of the low, the end of your rope, thats when things start change. She was right.
In love and Light. Peace out!

Company: Kasamba
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Beaverton
Address: 14525 SW Millikan Way
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