Vitamin Health And Diet Center [VHADC]
Discount Vtiamins

Internet & Web

On June 6, I ordered $53.38 worth of vitamins and supplements from this company, that asserts it has been in business since 1979. My order was processed, my bank account debited, and an email received that it was on its way to me. Today is June 30, and I have not received the products I have paid for, nor was I successful in contacting this company by email or telephone.

I called my bank today, and reported these events, and they went ahead and filed a Fraud Report, which will be investigated.

I hope no one else falls for thiis fraud - this company needs to go away.

I always purchase my supplements online. And will continue to do so - but from companies that I have done business with before.

Company: Vitamin Health And Diet Center [VHADC]
Country: USA
Phone: 8005416784
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