Symplist Driver Magic
Refuses Refund of non working load of Rubbish

Internet & Web

I purchased this load of Rubbish last Year, with their Gurantee that a FULL Refund would be given should the "programme" not work? Well needless to say it did'nt!
I contacted them by email, and they suggested various things as to what may resolve this garbage to work? After trying ALL they suggested, it still did not work?
When eventually i asked for a Refund&suddenly they "Stopped" replying to my mails?
There is NO Address or State or Country even saying where they are located? I tried Google searches —Nothing?
I have been in touch lately as they have advertised that their site has been Re Newed? Load of Codswallop! It still does'nt work, they answer ONLY when you pose a question — Except of course when REFUND is mentioned.
I fully support this site to highlight the Fraudsters, cheats etc! On the web! And just wish the Law would stretch to get these "Cowboys" in Court!

Heywood Manchester
United Kingdom

Company: Symplist Driver Magic
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


HP Printers
What Rubbish

Rt Express
ARROW Transportation HOLDING A LOAD HOSTAGE and demanding 3700.00 on a 900.00 load!
I asked for legal advice and got none / Internet

GooglePro - - TwoPartInvestments
RipOff Scam for Work at Home Email

Doesn't correct. Dll problems as advertised Internet Purchase Iowa

Realva technologies
Realva Email Verifier software does not work - no refund from company!

Intrex Express, Inc
Do Not Load, Hold Freight For Ransom, Deilver 2 Days Late!

Truck Load Support, LLC
Beware. You are not given what's promised and they will not give you a refund

Mike Harvey
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Joshua Stone
Guaranteed Love Spells NOT! Ripoff