Free internet service rip off. All they want is your info & your social security numbe

Internet & Web

Yesterday i wrote you a letter about, a bogus free internet service, by which u have to join to become a member, they have a free membership, and a 25 dollar membership, well here is a letter from dave catalan from goingplatinum.com, admitting there is no free internet service, and blaming it on some over zealous members trying to get people to sign up, there banners and links dont say free internet coming soon,, it says they provide free internet service, all they want is your info and your social security number, people need to be aware of this here are some links where u will see the banners just like i saw them, there banners all over the web. Can someone teach them the difference between having now and coming soon, and what is to say it will come at all, they are allready lying with the bogus banners,, thomas bennett

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Subj: RE: Please Reply To Terminate Your Going Platinum Membership
Date: 1/13/01 4:03: 11 PM Central Standard Time
From: DCatalan@goingplatinum.net (Catalan, Dave)
To: Fasterjuju@aol.com ('Fasterjuju@aol.com')

I think the problem is that we have some overzealous members who are pretty excited about our program. We have been developing this program for over a year and our estimated launch date was 1/15. Our launch has been delayed due to technical integration difficulties but when it is lauunched in the coming weeks, free ISP will be available.

You may see a preview of our new site by clicking on the following link:

If you still want to terminate your membership, please reply and we will oblige you immediately.

Thank you.
Dave at Going Platinum

... Original Message
From: Fasterjuju@aol.com [mailto: Fasterjuju@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 12 10:06 PM
To: DCatalan@goingplatinum.net
Subject: Re: Please Reply To Terminate Your Going Platinum Membership

Here is another link offering free internet access from going platinum.com and this one is listed on NBCI live, the referral member name is belbora,, all these links say goingplatinum.com provides free internet service,,, so which is it dave does your company offer it?, or all these

People making a joke of your website? NBCi: Search Results for "free internet access no banners",

Page 1,,

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