IgoMogul.com / ExodusWeb

Internet & Web

1) the organization guarantees a custom artwork for website header along with a custom-designed website theme. But, that which you get is just a theme the organization currently has. It's not really a custom header. Or, could it be a custom theme. That we discovered later does not actually seem sensible. Custom and theme are two different issues.

2) the organization requires you what you would like, they get it done another method without telling the customer.

3) They questioned what I needed to get a header. Subsequently, placed a header they currently had in-stock and 'triggered' the website without my permission or evaluation. They did not actually inform me they 'triggered' the website.

4) They let you know that you ought to have the ability to create your cash back on which you settled the organization, within 3 to six months. Nevertheless, it's happening 4 weeks, and also the website is not actually finished.

5) After I request a problem, I obtain the incorrect solution occasionally. Or, I actually donot actually get a solution.

6) I had been therefore discouraged using the site, that I did so a 'time-line' concerning the demands not being finished with the site. After many telephone calls, and speaking with three distinct people, I had been again aimed to some next person. But, I had been informed that 'I should be unique, since this individual had just voiced to 2 others before. Since, he does not keep in touch with just anybody.' After I talked with this specific individual, he guaranteed to accomplish the things not finished. What I get is something which is inexpensive and free that does not do what I expected for. And, I am informed the items I'd like is too costly.

7) I'd settled nearly $7,000 for 2 websites. I acquired a header and themes they previously had. I also got Google Adsense. And, I acquired a shop. I purchased two additional websites from godaddy.com and that I paid $26 for both websites and also the Google Adsense; plus other activities.

I've been planning round and round using the organization for nearly 4 weeks. A couple of days before I examined to determine how much cash I've created. I'd created only a little over $47. Nowadays I examined, which is right down to $45. I really could go ahead and on with grievances, but I wont. I've requested them for my money-back a few occasions. Nowadays, I obtained a telephone call in the supervisor declaring they'll not return some of cash and that I closed a that displays that.

Company: IgoMogul.com / ExodusWeb
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Site: igomogul.com
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Hit Web Design / Heritage Web Design
Not so "custom" as they claim

Website not delivered, will not refund

I would advise you to try to find other means to get a header for your site

3xp web solution
3 unfinished sites


Terrible Service, Poor Quality, Stay Clear!

Consumer Report

IGo Mogul

RSquared Web Services / Blog Oh Blog / Jai Nishcal Verma
Lazy, poor service, lack of follow up, no attention to detail, lack of communication Internet

Igomogul is a Scam