Affiliate Rip-off

Internet & Web

Tel3 is an affiliate rip-off. I have been an affiliate for a long time. Just too busy to track results.
The company was legit for a short time about 3 years ago. I received a commission check (1) about that long ago.

They soon fired there agent relations exec, and ever since the company has been bogus.
In 3 years, with the same marketing program I have always had, I have had 0 sign ups. Today I checked my marketing links, and their web program erases my affiliate link!

I figure I have lost a lot of money in initial sign-ups, and more in renewals. I see they have changed their renewal commission policy... You have to have $500 in renewals for that month before you receive any kind of compensation. The process starts over each month. What a rip-off.

I would like to start a class action suit against this company, put them out of business if possible. They are the biggest rip-off, and a disgrace to the web.
I know there a lot of people who have to have had this same experience.

I think this can be proven in a court of law.
It is companies, and people, like these that destroy the web. We need to remove/fight/destroy all these vermin/roaches from the web.

If you are interested in joining in a class action suit against this company, please let me know.
Thank you.

Company: And
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 1001 NW 163rd Drive
Phone: 8887993
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