Living Lean

Internet & Web

Stop my bill... They got cash out-of my consideration for just two straight months. Without my authorization... I'm pissed

Company: Living Lean
Country: USA
State: Kansas
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Wu-yi Source, Living Lean
Living lean, las vegas, nv this company charged my card 19.95 without my authorization for 4 months straight

Living Lean Las Vegas
Taking money off my account without authorization!

Wu-Yi Tea And Living Lean
Wu-Yi Source And Living Lean not told everthing to cancel and they charged on my credit card, besure to check!

Wu-yi Source
Wu-yi Source and Living Lean are a scam. The Tea does not work and i got nothing from Living Lean but billed $19.95 a month. Cancelling the tea does not cancel Living Lean which you are automatically signed up at order time

IW-Living Lean, Wui-Ye Tea
IW-Living Lean, Wui-Yi Tea The IW Living Lean, was never authorized for anything. Wui-Yi Tea was told to cancel & they kept charging

Living Lean
Another "Living Lean" chump... 6 months later, my pocket is still being picked by these bottom feeders!

Wuyitea-wuyisource/iw/living Lean
Wuyitea-wuyisource / iw / living lean wuyitea - rip off unknown

Wu Yi Tea - IW - Living Lean
Debited my checking account for $19.95 on 2/28/08 without authorization Nicosia

Living Lean Las Vegas
Living Lean Las Living lean Las Vegas

Wu-yi Source Living Lean
Wu-yi tea living lean