Payday Loan Resource Center
Three Times in a Month-this Company Took Money Out of My Account!

Internet & Web

Funny-this company is ripping me off for a total of $79 now. They claim to be a "Anti-Fraud" Save your Identity— But, they took mine, used my checking account without my knowledge, 3, yes, three times! I never signed up for their so called anti-fraud protection. If you go to their site, there is no way to contact them-no phone, no address. How convienient!

Some how they seem to be in with a pay day loan company. Stay clear-don't go near any pay day loan business on the internet.

2 months ago these creeps did the same thing and took me for about $500! I even changed checking account. Now, they are back. I've went to the bank and reported them.

Haha-they claim to be in business for "Anti-Fraud"—We need that to stay away from this scum company. It is not right-these idiots are stealing money.

Company: Payday Loan Resource Center
Country: USA
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Payday Loan Resource Center
Is taking money from my checking account, that i have no knowledge of. Does not appear does not appear

Payday Loan Resource Center
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Payday Loan Resources Center
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