PayPerPlay Audio Ads PPP/NAA/V2P NetAudioAds Vioce2Page Charles Heflin Larry Page Michael Knox
PayPerPlay Audio Ads PPP / NAA / V2P NetAudioAds Vioce2Page Charles Heflin Larry Page Michael Knox PayPerPlay Audio Ads: Ripoff or just BAD Business?

Internet & Web

PayPerPlay (PPP, Pay Per Play) audio ads is perhaps the strangest kind of ripoff that you will find. They are not scamming people out of money (YET!?!). What they are doing is convincing people to place code on their websites to trigger the delivery of 5 to 8 second audio advertisements each time a person visits the site. The idea that these ads will "annoy" and drive users away in droves has been widely discussed in the blogosphere so I will not delve into that here.

Where the potential scamminess of this program comes to light is when you scratch a little deeper than the surface. See, PPP has partnered with Vioce2Page (Larry Host and Michael Knox). V2P, has reportedly forgotten to, failed to, neglected to or simply REFUSED to pay affiliates in another audio ad delivery scheme several years ago. Now they are back in the ring with the same kind of product with a different label: same hucksters too, with the exception of "master affiliate recruiter" Charles Heflin. I say "master affiliate recruiter" because this program either blames or credits Heflin for doing such a great job of recruiting publishers that they don't have enough ads to go around.

Speaking of not enough ads...

In the recruitment propaganda PPP/V2P/NAA "claimed" to have a host of "big named" advertisers "waiting in the wigs" for the full rollout of this program. They quoted HBO, unnamed presidential candidates and an enigmatic "search engine partner", but when pressed for a list none was forthcoming and NONE of the ads that I have heard lend any credence to their claims.

Their sales pitch also promised that publishers would "get paid for every visitor". My experience and that of others strongly suggests fact, over the past 2 months one publisher sent over 1.1 million impressions to this program with less than 2000 ads played. At their rate of $0.0035 per play, over 1 million impressions netted this publisher a whooping $6 and change. We can only trust and assume that these numbers are accurate because the PayPerPlay program has been plagued with statistics tracking outages and programming issues that never seem to get fully solved.

The chances of this program EVERY getting off the ground are infinitesimally small, but should they teach their turkey to fly everyone should be aware of the history of the people involved and use their better judgment BEFORE investing any time or money into promoting Pay Per Play audio ads.

Whatever you do, please DO NOT take my word for this. I am sure that I will be rebuffed as retaliating for chewing "sour grapes". Do yourself a favor and Google:

NetAudioAds Scam
PayPerPlay Scam
Vioce2Page Scam

You will find a wealth of VERY interesting information that YOU can use to decide if PayPerPlay/PPP/NetAudioAds/NAA/Vioce2Page/V2P audio ad delivery program is a scam, a ripoff or just a bunch of guys that have no clue what they are doing. Be sure to weigh ALL of the info BEFORE you invest anything into this deal.

Company: PayPerPlay Audio Ads PPP/NAA/V2P NetAudioAds Vioce2Page Charles Heflin Larry Page Michael Knox
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 5820 Oberlin Suite 203
Phone: 8583349355
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