Ilulian Patrascu, or Patrascu As The Frist Name
Ilulian Patrascu, or Patrascu As The Frist Name claimed he was a seller on ebay selling cell phones Raminicu Valcea

Internet & Web

I recieved an email telling em that he was a seller from ebay that wanted to take me up on a bid i had made that i happen to lose because the winner of the item backed out.

I told him i couldnt affford it and he threatened to report me to the authorities because i agreed to buy the item. And that an ebay agent would come to my home and take my money. Very intimidating. Isent him a money order from western union.

He told me i would recieve my item after his money was recieved. After recieving my money and asking me to call western union to ask why the money wasnt there-he finally got my paymwent and never emailed me back and i never got my god XXXX chocolate phone.

Company: Ilulian Patrascu, or Patrascu As The Frist Name
Country: Romania
Address: 1000 Valcea Raminicu
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Patrascu Horatiu eBay -2nd chance offers Ramnicu

Patrascu Horatiu
Thief! Patrascu Horatiu Ramnicu Valcea 1000

Seller: Redding1
Paid $150 for item. Item not received. Have tried to contact seller with no avail. Rm Valcea

EBay Purchase Protection Financial Department
Consumer Report

Robert Showalter
Ripoff, never recieved item, fraudulant Ebay

Jennifer howard
And william garrett scammed me out of 1,450 for a 2005 nissan maxima through craiglist the seller jennifer i was able to get in contact with her before i made the payment but soon as i made the payment i havnt got no ema

SmartMall2011 On Ebay
Consumer Report

Ebay - Steven Barrow - Jhon Andrews
Scam through EBAY. We lost $2900 ripoff Jacksonville

ISold It, David Clark, Kenneth R. McGlaughn, Lee Feldman
Scammed money by misrepresenting eBay, iSol It and Western Union

Robinson Micuic
Rip off internet fraud, item paid no delivery Internet