Shopping Essentialsplus
Shopping Essentials Shopping Essentials plus Carefully crafted, parasitic membership device that is difficult to notice

Internet & Web

Shoppingessentials is a membership concern that operates in a parasitic fashion through other on-line companies. Without realizing it you may have signed up for a discount with an on-line company and in so doing, you also signed up and authorized Shoppingessentialsplus to charge your credit card a monthly fee for a membership.

The process is presented so stealthily that you will not remember any of any case, my wife and I have no recollection of signing up for whatever service Shoppingessentialsplus offers. You will, however, begin to notice a monthly charge on your credit card to Shoppingessentialsplus. I suspect the $9.95 amount is calculated to be small enough that many people will not notice it for months and months and months.

Since I have no documentation of signing up for this "membership, " I have no evidence to prove or disprove that this is a scam. However, I do feel scammed. And when I used the word "scam, " the customer service supervisor at Shoppingessentialsplus became very aggitated and hung up on me. He told me I had signed up for a discount with another on-line company and in doing so I took out a membership with his operation and authorized the monthly charge. At best, it was a very stealthy transaction.

Company: Shopping Essentialsplus
Country: USA
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Shopping Essentials -
Was given my personal information, including credit card, by

Shopping Essentials
Shopping Essentials Obtained my credit card info and charged my credit card regularly without permission

AP9*shoppingessentials, Shopping Essentials, Shopping Essentials Plus
Fraudulently charged credit card/Used Walmart's online gift card to get my information
Sent email to me that I will be billed 10/17 for membership ID: 829289722 I did authorize that

Shopping Essentials -
Unauthorized debit from my checking account/debit card!

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized billing

Shopping Essentials
Shopping Essentials Unauthorized 'membership' fee
Shopping Essentials Bills credit cards without authorization Based Connecticut

Shopping Essentials Plus
Fradulent Membership Scam

Shopping Essentials
Adaptive Marketing Hundreds of dollars of charges for "membership"- never knowingly agreed to any such "membership" or received "membership" information