, Rob,, Blogging To The Bank, Rob Benwell, Blogging To The Bank Rob Benwell is a Ripoff, scam, and has not and honored his refund policy, Video Tutorials and downloads did not work, United Kingdom

Internet & Web

On or about 12-06, I purchased a membership for $750.00 to Rob Benwell's I wanted to learn how he ran his online business with the hopes of implementing some of his strategies for myself. I started reading through his ebooks and was surprise at the amount of sarcasm, typos, and profanity used throughout his book. However, I did my best to look past it, as I wanted to learn how to make money online.

It was so poorly written, at times, I could not understand what he was trying to say, so i stopped reading it. I then logged into the membership site with the hopes of getting more clarity. To my surprise, he had a soft spoken voice and his mannerism was completely different from his poorly written ebook (s).

After viewing the video tutorials for a couple of minutes, it would freeze and stop working completely. I would try viewing it again and again, but to no avail, it did not work. I subsequently emailed him informing him of the problem and he said that he would look into it. Here was the obvious expected response I received: "Hi Frank

I've been testing the files and links and everything seems fine... It may be a problem your end

What conection speed do you have?

Are you unzipping the files?

Just let me know but things are downloading fine for me


Now, I had no problems viewing other peoples products on video, so the problem was most certainly on his end. Even the software I purchased from Rob Benwell at the time has stopped working.

Here is an email I sent him on January 28th: "Dear Rob:

Please accept my full apology as I have becom extremely frustrated and have exhausted my options of trying to figure out the problem, due to the lack of me being unable to download or view the videos. I feel seemingly on my own, as much time has past me by. I know none of the things I so desire to learn. I cant began to tell you how much time I have wasted to get this problem resolved. Respectfully I feel that you can do more to help me trouble shoot my way through this issue or provide me other methods to correct it.
I believe in you and what you have to offer, but I am currently not reaping the benefits. I know you are probably busy with other clients and I do not want to seem selfish, but I too want to change my life for the better and have that same peace of mine you have.

Furthermore, the problem is not my winzip or my broadband. You are the one with the computer smarts. Please help me get through this some way, somehow. I will await a suggested solution to this issue.

Regards, Frank "

After I sent the email, this is what the so called guru of blogging to the bank wrote back, "Hey Frank

I have as much of an idea as you do... I know little about how computers work or anything. I am just showing you guys what I do and recording it

If you have broadband then you should be able to view the videos fine. Have you tried downloading flash to view the online videos... This may help

Your best bet is to ask on the forum as theres people a lot more tech on there than I am

Thanks and hope you get this sorted


By this time I realized that maybe I was on my own and should at some point request a refund. Although there are a number emails sent to Rob benwell, he never resolved my issue and never responded to my emails again, despite my plea for a refund. I was willing to accept an extended membership until the problem was resolved but he refused to comply. Rob Benwell is not concern with his customer success, he is only concern with his own success and how much money he could make on you. Buyers beware and think twice before you buy anything of Rob benwells products. If Rob Benwell was a trustworthy and ethical business man, he would tried to resolve my issue rather than bragging about his beautiful home and so forth.

Here something amazing, when Rob Benwell stopped responding to my emails and attempted to scam me into buying another of his products. I truly felt that he was "toying" with me and taking me as a fool. Not so Rob.

It is beleved that Rob Benwell is operating somewhere out of the united Kingdom and is using P O Box 99800, EmeryVille, CA, 94662 here in the USA.

I contacted the BBB online at Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Oakland, CA
1000 Broadway, Ste. 625 Oakland, CA 94607 and later learned they had dropped my complaint. Their reason? They said it was too confusing for them rather than call me to get more clarification. I admit when writing my complaint I became too emotional and had some minor typos. But they should not have dropped my complaint because of it.

At any rate, I was recently blessed to find that has helped thousands expose scam artist who are victimizing one of my emails I told him that he will not get away with taking my money. And provides me the chance to fight back and prevent others from being snared into false advertisement like Rob Benwell who did not honor his Refund policy as promised.

I have one question, are there any more honest people out there?

Rob Benwell, when you receive this report, I want you to know that by you not doing right by me, you have taken $750.00 from my children as well. I am requesting a full refund are a solution to my problem once again.

Please note: I have other emails to substantaite all the claims made in this report.

Company:, Rob,, Blogging To The Bank
Country: USA
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