Mynetprotector - Sjb Enterprises
Bad business practices they don't give any phone number and they don't reply to your e-mail

Internet & Web

I purchased this product late at night on the internet and 2 days later I had computer problem which caused the loss of my computer. I will be buying another. I therefore have no need for the product and I tried to contact the company for a refund. I sent an E-Mail telling I would like to return the product for a refund. They say that they will reply within 72 hours. It has been a week and no reply. I was able to get the business name and address through my credit card co. After reading you report on this same co. I believe my gut feelings on this co. Are true, they are ripping internet users off and there is no way to get in touch with them when there is a problem.

Company: Mynetprotector - Sjb Enterprises
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 6975 Sandcastle Dr
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Refund Recovery Software
Rip-off the ordered software never sent requested refund not processed

Did not refund my money for the bought software, which I did cancel 6 days after buying it.internet

Clickbank - RegCure
RIPOFF no customer service no reponse from them, license key purchased invalid no way to contact them by phone or mail Billed and did not give product as promised

Linksys Division Of Cisco Systems

Norton, Symantec
Lack of real support, answers, etc when computer crashed after using their product
Marine electronics plaza Did not ship product nor return multiple emails. Does not have a phone number to contact them

Netshades - Info Net Holdings Took my money and never delivered the product
Akarat yuenyong rip off, fraud, no communication, no refund, no product, creidt card dispute

Paralogic - RegCure
This product did not work on my computer and caused other problem

Driver Detective
Consumer Report