Bonzi Buddy
Ripoff takes up computer space & invades privacy annoying rip-off Internet

Internet & Web

I was just watching the news and to my surprise this annoying face of the Bonzi monkey appeared in piece about spying on the internet and pop-up adds. I was unaware of this and so watched it further. I thought at first when i downloaded this monkey that he was cute and could be helpful in day to day usage.

But to my dissapointment he was not. I had no idea of how to erase him so i would just put him on goodbye mode.

NOw to my displeasure he is actually seriously bad for my computer. The monkey takes up space and slows me down. I was just wondering this weekend why it was goign so slow. Then in a ddition with the news program verifying this and in addition saying that he was a spy was disturbing.

I do not appreciate my personal web-surfing to be watched by the company, even as i fill out this report. I find it disheartening that i am being spied on. It also makes me feel creeped out and uneasy.

I will further remove this program from my computer. While reading others messages, it is a difficult thing to accomplish fully. They want to disrupt us all they can and never leave completely.

Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Company: Bonzi Buddy
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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