E*TRADE Securities
Etrade Etrade stealing fees, company scandal may be worse than Enron

Internet & Web

It is 1/2 and I am in the process of organizing and uniting individuals to expose E*TRADE Securities LLC as committing a massive amount of fraud to hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting consumers. From my extensive Internet research, I estimate that more total money is being stolen from E*Trade customers; then was stolen in the Enron scandal. (via hidden fees in statements, changes in user terms without proper notification, and terrorist customer service that commits massive amounts of fraud via telephone)

My story is pretty standard. I put some money into an E*Trade account back in 2000. At the time, there were NO account maintenance fees. I was told the money would sit in this account and just grow as long as I did not make any trades. I only ever made this one deposit. Sometime between 2000 and the present, E*trade began charging all sorts of maintenance fees on accounts without any proper notification. (certified letter, opting-in via email, verbal contact, etc.) Out of my initial $1000 deposit, $800 has been subtracted from my account, leaving me with a balance of just $200. Many users have negative accounts because this has happened. Still worse, thousands have no idea that there money is being sucked from their accounts of all shapes and sizes.

My scenario is slightly different than people who sign up now; because the older accounts like mine were supposed to have ZERO maintenance fees. E*Trade pulled the old, "switcheroo, " on millions of people who still have not found this out, by switching our old user agreements. These switches are far different than credit cards who change terms, because credit card changes are based on USER ACTIVITY. If a user of a credit card does not make a transaction on a zero balance, they do not get charged. E*Trade customers are being charged while they commit NO transactions on old balances.

Please contact me as I am in the process of organizing a gigantic class action law suit against E*trade and its executives. I am more concerned at putting the people responsible for this in jail than I am in making any money. Just as what happened to the Enron folks. However, with the changes in the law now, we should be able to get many more E*Trade executives behind bars for stealing from honest citizens. Also, I am in the midst of starting a web site dedicated to this topic. We will be doing everything from gathering information on people to take place in any class action movement against E*Trade, to other, more creative ways to fight against their injustices. Some of these new things will be a corporate Etrade paparazzi forum. Just as it is everybody's right as an American to take pictures of Britney Spears, it is also in every body's rights to track and take pictures of E*Trade executives and any E*Trade workers who are stealing money from hard-working citizens. Whether E*Trade goes bankrupt, or not, we will get these suckers legally. You can start out by thoroughly researching the leaders https://us. Etrade.com/e/t/home/aboutus? Gxml=hpc_disc_bios_c.html just as Us Weekly reseraches movie stars.

I encourage you to start taking action against E*Trade's fraud against millions of unsuspecting consumers.

Company: E*TRADE Securities
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Arlington
Address: 671 Glebe Road N., 11th Floor
Phone: 8003872331
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