Internet Speedway
$10 software turned into $70/mo. Charge?!

Internet & Web

I ordered their software after hearing their radio ad on WTOP, a reputable radio station in Washington, D.C. During the entire schpiel, I NEVER heard anything about the "you must return in 30 days or suffer $70 monthly charge".

Even when ordering the system, there is an automated voice that talks to you for 15 - 20 minutes and I NEVER heard a mention of having to return the software before being charged the $70!

I received several phone calls from them to help set up the website, but I bought it for my internet surfing, thriftstore shopping husband, so I forwarded the messages on to him. I suppose he never read the paperwork included in the pkg. Either. I've not read it but sure will today!

Oh, woe is me... Stupid is as stupid does. SHOULDA done my homework looking them up on the internet.

Company: Internet Speedway
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Phone: 8006281455
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Internet Speedway
Purchased $10 software how to increase internet sales. Now they are billing me $70 / mo

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