Karl Moore - SWREG - WCCL Network - White Cliff - Digital River
SWREG is only the cc processor, Karl Moore is the actual thief of your money

Internet & Web

Anyone on these pages who has purchased defective software or digital products from WCCL Network or more commonly, MyHelpHub.com, the crook actually stealing your money is a sleazy guy named Karl Moore. Visit his website http://www.karlmoore.com and its all explained right there. He makes no effort to hide the fact that he owns WCCL Network and White Cliff, which in turn owns and operates MyHelpHub.com. They are all pretty much the same damn thing.

Like any business processing credit cards, SWREG is not really the problem, but they are a major integral part and enabler of it. With all the complaints they must have to deal with, one would think they would simply stop doing business with WCCL & Karl Moore. The only answer that I can come up with is that business must be so good that they don't want to stop the flow of $.

For those of you with similar experiences, you must have come to the same conclusion that I have. This has got to be the worlds most perfect freak in internet in crime ever! There is nothing any of us can do to get our money back or take any legal action to stop this abuse. If you are like me, you've been probably ripped off around $20. Who the heck in law enforcement or the government is going to give a rats fanny about that? Nobody. That's who. As far as I can tell, there is at least 3 states and possibly 2 countries involved here.

This is truly the perfect internet crime. And this is how it's done:

- Get some ambitious sleazebag who lives off shore, say, like Karl Moore, who wants to become rich, ripping people off $20 at a time.

- Set up a couple different businesses on paper. Use slightly different mail drop box addresses for each, and have separate bank accounts at completely different unrelated banks for each business. The purpose for the separate businesses is to create and provide services between one another, paying bills and creating as much of a financial laundering as possible. Whatever you do, never, under any circumstances create any phone numbers for these businesses or have any real physical address. Preferably use a high-tech mail drop; say like, Earth Class Mail. They will never divulge your ID to anyone without a court subpoena. Heck, you don't even have to physically go and get your mail using their service - ever. You've already just become a nameless, faceless business that is virtually untouchable already by any consumer. Setting things up like this also makes it a legal headache for any government agency trying to follow the money to find you by establishing ownership and linking the money between separate banks. Remember, we're talking a $20 crime here! Who's got the time to get subpoenas from a judge for such a little amount of money and attempt to track it through several unrelated banks and mail drops? NOBODY.

- Now, go to GoDaddy and create a web address for each of your new businesses, paid for any of your new checking accounts - your choice. While you're filling out the web address form, simply pay the additional $5-10 to have the Whois database permanently block your personal information - forever! The only way anyone will get your info from the Whois will be by going to court. Nice protection for that $5-10 investment huh? In Karl Moore's case, he's purchased 150 or more websites, one for each piece of junk software/product he is peddling. Is a DA, or Fed agency going to go to court for 150 subpoenas just to find out who owns these sites? Not! Remember - it's a $20 crime!

- The next thing is finding web servers to host your little enterprise of 150 websites. You pick a company that is several states away from your fictitious mail drops, say, like maximumasp in Kentucky. You won't have to worry about these guys giving up your private contact info either. They legally don't have to unless ordered to by a court subpoena also. Besides, why would they want to? They'll be making a nice hunk of change from your 150 websites every month.

-Now, what to sell??? How about something digital? Yeah. No paper! No packaging! No shipping! No physical returns. No Problem! That's a great idea! Go find yourself 150 or so pieces of junk software on the cheap that have been developed by high school or college students, that sort of/might of work, but at a minimum at least download properly. If they don't really work, too freak'in bad. You'll already have the sucker's money via the credit card, and that's all it'll take, pay day. Cha Ching!

- Next you'll want to create something that resembles a customer service site to deal with all the freak in headaches from distributing so much crap product. You could call it something like, MyHelpHub. The main purpose of this site is not customer service; it's to buy you time until the money from the credit cards clear into your bank account. You could have a form response that takes a couple of days to issue a reply, which should give you plenty of time to secure the funds in one of your accounts. The form response also helps cover your butt by creating a paper trail that you in-turn show to all the bank reps that are attempting to find you with their list of complaints from angry customers. If any bank can actually locate you all you have to do is show you've made an attempt to resolve the problem via your customer service dept forms, and that you made a good faith effort to resolve the problem, which of course you never do, because you are never giving back a freak'in dime to any of those $20 idiots you've taken advantage of.

- One of the last things to take care of is getting a credit card processor who likes to make money more than doing the right thing for the consumer. Ah, you find SWREG, who happens to be owned by Digital River, one of the largest service providers of downloadable products in the world. What a perfect blend of cc processing and product distribution. These companies, just like the Whois database, will protect your identity to the death unless ordered by a court to give you up. But look, there's no freak'in way they're giving your info to any consumer - they are making money every time you rip someone off, and lose money for every credit given. They are not going to do a damn thing to give your money back. SWREG will stand behind you and make any excuse possible to defend your right to not issue a refund. No refund! Never! What a beautiful business partner! Like financial Nirvana.

- The last thing you will need to take care of is creating some type of legitimate looking business to counter the mountain of negative PR crap you will be ptotentially creating for yourself if consumers find out who's been stealing from them. Maybe you're growing up, or maybe it's simply because you'll have a guilty conscious about ripping off soooo many jerks, that you'll want to make amends. So you create some type of phony baloney website named after yourself, like, KarlMoore.com, where you offer advice about being happy. Maybe a little odd and sort of psycho, but hey, you're a dirty rotten thief at heart and you've got to balance out your time on earth somehow. So what the heck. Blog about all that's good in the world and make it a good day.

So that's it. Karl Moore's perfect crime. $20 at a time. Layer upon layer of untraceable business dealings that no law enforcement agency will ever give a moment of their time.

If you're a victim like me, you are just out of luck. You will never see your money. And apparently there is nothing Karl Moore has to fear unless he runs into one of his victims on the street one day.

- Your bank and cc company can't trace the source of where your money went in order to file claim to retrieve it.
- Because there is never, ever a refund issued through the banking system, the end source of the money trail can only be found out via the legal system.
- The BBB can't find a single lick of information on any of these phantom companies to even question them.
- The Whois database and the web server companies will conceal any and all registration contact info connecting the sites to Karl Moore's companies unless dragged into court.
- Because Karl has taken such care to conceal his identity and contact info, there is no way to actually reach him personally. Like trying to find Waldo. Where in the world is Karl? On over 150 websites there is not a single phone number, working email, or viable way to actually get in touch with a human being to complain. I think he prefers it that way.
- The infamous and mysterious guy 'Alan' that seems to be the only person at MyHelpHub, I believe to actually be Karl Moore himself. Take it for what it's worth, but I think it's a safe bet.
- And the biggest problem in all of this is undoubtedly with SWREG itself. If the company had any moral compass, considering Digital River is publically traded, one would think they would drop Karl and WCCL like a rock.

Bottom line... Buyer Beware!

If you end up using my advice on setting up a criminal enterprise like Karl's above, let me know how you make out.

Company: Karl Moore - SWREG - WCCL Network - White Cliff - Digital River
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Beaverton
Address: RCM #28011, 14525 SW Millikan Way
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Karl Moore - SWREG
Karl Moore Is Your Rip-off Artist, SWREG Is Just Cc Processor. Karl Moore Is THE Rip-off Artist, SWREG Is Just Cc Processor. Dri

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