My Kazaa Gold
Will not refund money for product that doesn't work

Internet & Web

I subscribed to "My Kazaa Gold" in hopes of downloading some music my husband and I have been looking for. I could not make this program work and asked for a refund. I was told I had to let them help me.

I was in touch with customer support, who told me to do what I had already done. After several correspondences, I finally got it running. I hated it from the onset.

It takes forever, they did not have any of the music I was looking for, I had to read advertisements and solicitations each time I brought it up and my computer's security system was compromised. Again I asked for a refund.

I was told I had to give it more time. After eight attempts to get my money back I called the number given. It was Customer Support, who said there was no number for Billing and that they would call me and arrange the refund. They never did.

They make the statement: "All credit card charge disputes must be handled directly through My Kazaa Gold. A $30 fee will be charged to your card for all disputes handled by your card issuing bank, without first allowing us the chance to resolve the issue." After a dozen attempts to get my refund and a dozen answers that were useless, I contacted my credit card company who said it is illegal for them to do that and that they would simply charge them back.

I would advise anyone to never ever deal with these people. It has been a nightmare from the beginning - and their product is lousy!

Company: My Kazaa Gold
Country: USA
Phone: 2066863990
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Kazaa Gold
Ripoff after I emailed them twice that their product was no longer working Internet

My Kazaa gold
I want a refund, but they are very uncooperative

Kazaa Gold
(The Entire Operation) scam artists, virus givers, and not customer friendly. Nationwide

Kazaa Gold
I paid 40 bucks for unlimitid music and they sent me a password and confermation code thay do not work

Kazaa Gold

My Kazaa Gold
Ripoff erica miller, can't find my records Is On The internet

Kazaa Gold
Ripoff I paid for this music service and did not get to use it

Kazza Gold
Is a Scam

Kaza Gold - Kazaa Gold
Ripoff, dishonest, sneaky, and obnoxious Brandon

Kazaa Gold
Scam sent money got virus no contact info and no software as said E-mail Solicitation Of Reg. Kazaa internet