Richard Goddeau - Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers
Handicapped Con Artist

Internet & Web

He is a blind con artist.

He tied the same scam with me.

I heard he has done this many times.

Because of him, I will never donate to blind charities ever again.

Company: Richard Goddeau - Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Athens
Address: 2nd St
Phone: 5186696526
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Richard Goddeau Aka Global Software Etc, Aka GSCSC
Richard Goddeau, Global Software Etc Ad Nauseum Aka GSCSC He attempted same scam with myself and others. Promises and never produces anything

Richard Goddeau - Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers
This con man scammed out of money while promising corporate credit

Richard Goddeau
Dick, Blind

Richard Goddeau, Global Software And Computer Solution Centers
Handicapped conman, uses his disability as part of his con NY, But Claims Plattsburg, Carsen City Etc, or Pluto

Global Software & Computer Solutions Center
And Richard Goddeau Beware, very knowledgable but absolutely cannot delive

Richard Goddeau
Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers Credit Repair Enhancement Ripoff

Richard Goddeau
GSCSC Inc, Global Software Richard Goddeau is a Rip Off and Scam Artist

Richard Goddeau - Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers
Liar and thief He uses his disability as an excuse to steal from people

Richard Goddeau
Catskills Mountain Vapor store Just like a dope dealer. Scam artist, Liar extrordinaire

Richard Goddeau Global Computer Services
Fraud, money laundering, ny and carson city, nv