Bargain Network
Affordable Housing, That's not all you get

Internet & Web

Check this out, so you hear about buying affordable foreclosed homes, the advertisement gives you a number to call, you call them up tell what you want and they tell you about the properties and the listing that you will recieve for the low cost of $1.95, that for the 30 day free trial, then they go on to tell you about this $100.00 gas card and this $25.00 wal-mart card that you will recieve, all of which is free, the catch is you are signing up for a membership that never really get's explained to you. You don't want it and so you decline, not one but two to three times, the end result is they sign you up anyway, you never get any information about the membership, or recieve the gas card or gift card, you put it out of your mind, you've cancelled the housing listing, so you think everything is okay, you did your part. Now one month later you see acharge on you account that you know nothing about, you fish around and finally you find out where it all started.
This is where I'm at, I called bargain network, and they gave me another number to call, I called them and they are supposed to refund my account, i will keep you updated as to whether or not they did, they said it should take 7-10 days, so i will let you know.

Company: Bargain Network
Country: USA
State: California
City: Goleta
Address: 6330 Hollister Avenue
Phone: 8007637518
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Ripoff, fraudulent billing, runaround on cell phone, cannot cancel

Bargain Network
Rip-off and fraudulent billing

Bargainnetwork Homes
Give property report for forclosures, sign you up with others ESI and take $19.80 3Xs

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Bargain, my a

Bargain Network
Ripoff overcharging and deceptive practices

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Called bargain network and got three parasites on my bank account! RIPOFF Plano, Texas

The bargain Network
The Bargain Network - Housing

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AP9 - ripoff fraudulent billing

Bargain Network
Ap9 passport to fun ripoff, fraud nationwide

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