Stole $31.98 from my checking and caused overdraft Never heard of this company and cannot find them

Internet & Web

On Jan. 2 I called my bank for an account balance only to hear it was less than what I had in my records. So I reviewed transactions and heard one for $31.98, I said huh? I proceeded to call the bank and they looked up the website because there was no number and said it was some kind of fraud. I had to go to the bank and sign papers saying it was an unauthorized debit. Luckily my bank covered the overdraft fees. But it's not over while at the bank they notified me of a fee of $49.95 coming out I said for what? They said for a Platinum Service no number and no web address. I think that it is related to this web company that took the $31.98. So keep watching your account, me personally I am closing mine.

Country: USA
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First Convenience Bank
Ripoff Excessive overdraft charges

Capital Bank
I had money taken from my account from a company I never heard of, and it caused me to go into overdraft, and Capital Bank charges $5 A DAY on overdraft, and when I went to dispute the charges

Edp Card
Unauthorized withdrawals from my bank account sanfransisco

Idprosup idprosup. They took 31.98 out of my checking on 12/31... I did not approve this to be taken out of my account! Internet This company made an unauthorized debit of $31.98 form my checking account on 1/07

Bank of America
Overdraft fees
Unauthorized billing!

First Convenience Bank, Texas
Transaction Rip Off

Bank Of America
BOA Charges Overdraft fees which they cause to happen billed me $34.61 twice for an internet service I didn't sign up fo