Shopping Essentials
Charged account without authorization after purchase from another company

Internet & Web

Shopping Essential (s) placed a charge on my debit card of a "membership fee" after I purchased an item from another company, Vista Print. I have also received a "membership fee" notice on my account from them as well but that's another rip-off. How can they get by with this?

Company: Shopping Essentials
Country: USA
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Vita Cost
Checking account number given to shopping essentials for membership that was not authorized by me! Ripoff

Vista Print - Shopping Essentials
Ripoff VistaPrint and Shopping Essentials team up to rip you off!

Shopping Essentials - Vitacost Vitamins
Shopping essentials and vitacost ripped mr off, they go together!

Shopping Essentials - Classmates
Shopping Essentials Classmates Classmates' participation in Shopping Essentials Fraud

Shopping Essentials Shopping essentials charged 14.95 on my debit card unwillingly for a membership that they signed me up for without my permission Internet

Shopping Essentials
I Agree With Other People on Deceptive Company Called Shopping Essentials Chicago Illinois

Shopping Essentials
AP9Shoppinges Shopping Essential unauthorized debit charge

Shopping Essentials
Covert and Fraudulent Charges for a Shopping Membership Not Desired

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized charges

MVQ Shopping Essentials Plus/Vitacost
Shopping Essentials, Shopping Essentials Plus took $19.95 from my bank account every month unauthorized