Non-responsive to emails and no telephone contact available

Internet & Web

Mediamax does not answer the telephone. Repeated requests via email have gone unanswered. I have a simple request, but as they do not respond to my email communications, I have serious concerns about the enterprise and its service.

Company: Mediamax
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 600 B Street, Suite 1850
Phone: 6192339914
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Streamload / Media Max
Streamload - Media Max Petty Theft of money on non cessation of account

Mediamax thelinkup
Mediamax - Paid Membership File Storgage and hosting

Mediamax thelinkup
POOR customer service

MediaMax has renamed itself to TheLinkup but is still a big fat joke! - Free 25MB file storage

Deceptive, fraudulent, and non responsive

Mediamax thelinkup
LINKUP OUT OF BUSINESS - Mediamax / The Linkup

Mediamax thelinkup
Lost files

Com Mediamax Inc. Unanswered emails, poor customer support. Site always has problems. I lost files. Site slow

Mediamax thelinkup
Mediamax thelinkup

Mediamax Streamload
Worst storage company eve