Dvdcollections. tv
I ordered Beverly Hillbillies, Little House and Beaver complete sets-got cheap tv copies Not Sure

Internet & Web

I ordered full-run all-season sets to The Beverly Hillbillies, Little House on the Prairie and Leave it to Beaver for just under $500.00. I got all 3 sets in good time but they are all nothing but cheap recordings made right off the tv set, commercials and all, as if I did it myself right here in my own home (whish is what they did). I am now just finding out through "complaint" that I've been ripped off and am on my way out the door to the bank to see what I can do about it. I have never had a problem like this ever before so if anyone can give me pointers on how to get my money back I would be most appreciative. But after reading what others have said about their luck on getting their cash back from this so-called company, dvdcollections. Tv, I see I am in a fight that I will probably lose. Sad fact here is for me personally, I've never been able to afford things like this ever in my life. My Mom recently passed on and left me a small amount of money, part of which I used to buy my wife and me these dvd sets that I thought were officially made and sold. Now I'm less $500.00 with a whole bunch of nothing to show for it (and I promised my Mom I would be very careful with what little she was able to save for herself and leave to me).

Company: Dvdcollections. tv
Country: USA
Site: www.dvdcollections.tv
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I ordered the complete season of the cosby show seasons 1-8 still did not receive Internet

I paid for a cd collection and have never recived it. And have e-mail them several times

Dvdcollections. tv
I got the Get Smart Collection and they sent be a bunch of pirated discs with plain print and all in while envelopes

Dvdcollections. tv
Did not send the items ordered but took the money


Scam and cheating

DVDcollections. tv, Allmyfavoriteshows.com, TVboxset.com, E-mediastore. tv, Etc
DVDcollections. Tv, DVDcollections. Tv, Allmyfavoriteshows.com, DVDcollections. Tv, Allmyfavoriteshows.com, TVboxset.com, DVDcollections. Tv, E-mediastore. Tv, Etc. List of websites operated by these criminals

Consumer Report

Ordered Carol Burnett and Friends

Tvaddicts. tv - Allmyfavoriteshows. tv - Dvdavenue. tv - Dvdcollections. tv
Tvaddicts. Tv Aka Allmyfavoriteshows. Tv Aka Dvdavenue. Tv Dvdcollections. Tv i ordered 90210 dvds on one of these websites got ripped off and ordered from another and got ripped AGAIN! C Ripoff