Daniel Unsworth, Dan Unsworth
Accepted a multitude of clients money and never delievered said product. Conned countless people out of money including me

Internet & Web

Daniel Unsworth aka - Dan Unsworth accepted countless individuals money for his lead generation services utilizing a automated dialer as well as traffic generated derived from Search engines. Promising guaranteed phone calls of interested parties this particular individual took over 1250 of my money not to mention at least 25 other personal associates money who were promised a minimum amount of call backs for each 100 invested. The lucky ones got 2-3 calls of people who were luke warm at best with the majority of people receiving zero call backs. Mr. Unsworth furthermore stopped answering phone calls and failed to answer any emails relating to the matter making not one single effort to make things right.

I had been warned about this gentleman from a associate of mine who had a run in with him from mybizmaker.com and said he was a rip off artist. Well I am sad to report that I refused to listen to the advice and got burned. Be advised this individual is very charismatic and a amazing salesman on the phone. Do not be fooled by his charm as this individual Lies, Cheats and Steals with no intent to make anything right. I even asked for Mr. Unsworth to simply turn on a dialer for the afternoon which after shopping around I found out would only cost 200 bucks wholesale which he never responded to. Funny thing was if he had made it right I would have spent alot more money. Apparently this scammer has pulled the plug on his operation as his website is now down but beware of Dan Unsworth.

I guess its as the Chinese have said
for centuries. "it is only a matter of time before the
light shines on the truth." And the truth is Dan Unsworth
is not man of his word.

Real men don't promise, not deliver and avoid
calls refusing to fess up about whats going on.

I'll admit he put one over on
me. Its not often that happens.

So anyhow I will conclude this with a Thanx for
Screwing early so you didn't make me look bad on a
large scale for my major investors.

Company: Daniel Unsworth, Dan Unsworth
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Canton
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