Tv Box Set
They are thieves! Where is my Robin Hood?

Internet & Web

On July 14, I ordered the complete series of Mission Impossible. On August 17, I received this e-mail from

Dear Customer, As you may already know, we have had some problems with our shippingdepartment over the past few weeks. We have had 2 shipments returned and reprocessed. There have been delayswith 2 large batches of orders. Order numbers 14811-17034 were all returned to us and had to bereshipped. This was done last week and an email was sent out to all ofyou then. This is just an update to keep you all informed of the progress. Manyof you have already got your product, if so you can just delete thisemail. If you still don't have your item, this email is to assure you that itsstill on the way and should be there within a matter of a few businessdays. Orders 17035-23021 have been delayed due to this problem explainedabove. Again, many or most of you getting this email will already haveyour product. For the few that don't have it, we thank you for yourpatience and also assure that's its on the way. We will be sending a coupon code out to all customers in the next fewweeks to show how much we appreciate your patience. This code will bevalid for the rest of 2007 and will give you 40% off your next order. Thanks Again, TVBOXSET Management

I wrote back to them on August 22 and received an answer on the 22 as followed:

Hello, I am sorry for the delay. I will contact our shipping department and have them file aclaim on your behalf. You will hear back from us and our shipping company in a few days. Again, sorry for the delay, Management

Since then not a word and for sure no order came in.

Well everything has a first time. This is it for me.

Is there any way to have my money back? If so tell me please. And no I won't buy the book about how to get satisfaction from the scammer... Maybe it is another scam!

St-Leonard, Quebec

Company: Tv Box Set
Country: USA
Phone: 8777977973
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Ripoff I never received my goods eithe - Garcia Media Group -
Stole our money, didn't deliver the merchandise, and won't talk to us!, Rare Dvds, Garcia Media Group,
Stole my money delivered nothing!
Internet Scam, Credit Card Theft, is an absolute fraudulent company. You pay but do not receive anything in return. Canada

TV Box Sets
Ordered a box set of Barney Miller, never sent, email sent that they were backordered, but no email/product delivered. Don't Kow don't know,
Ordered dvd movies and they never came Ripoff rips off another! Toronto

On July 29 I ordered the 20 seasons of Gunsmoke for my wife, and we have not received them
Dishonest, Ripoff, Item never shipped, Charged Credit Card on the 19TH of Oct then tell you item out of stock!
Horrible! Dvd series Yes dear has not come RIPOFF! Over 100$ St. Catharines US