Digioso Internet Hosting
Screwed multiple customers, then refuses to refund or answer mail Internet

Internet & Web

I am using every means available to inform potential web site hosting customers of the unprofessional practices and character of a "Hosting" company calling themselves Digioso Technology Solutions at www.digioso.com

I had numerous domains hosted there, and had just purchased hosting for another domain and one of my customers had paid them as well for $30 for a year of hosting. Admittedly a very good price, but this is certainly an instance of "if it looks to good to be true, it probably is".

On the 19th on August (two days after paying them MORE money) their website went down, as well as every one of my customers sites. Seems Digioso is NOT an actual hosting provider, but a reseller who is attempting to portray themselves as one. Well, their account was suspended for non-payment of their fees. All the domains hosted under their reseller account were frozen as well. All these sites were down for three days, with no response or mail from these "Professionals" to their customers.

This caused me to have to scramble to find another hosting provider for all my clients and my own domain (I currently own or control 19 domains) and to re-establish all their websites. Customers don't go to the host in these situations, they go to the webmaster, and were quite pissed when I had nothing to tell them for I had absolutely NO response from Digioso after repeated attempts (even threatening legal action, etc., they just DON'T CARE) Their problems with their host service should not have been allowed to impact their customers, but they allowed it to do so - this is totally unacceptable, and I was quite clear of how unacceptable I felt this was. And now, weeks after the event, when I have removed ALL of my active domains from their service, they refuse to honor their "30 day money back Guarantee" for what I recently paid, or any prorated amounts for the numerous domains I had with them.

To add insult to injury, the said owner of the Digioso Domain, a one Jascha Wanger, is showing a fictitious address/phone number on his domain registry which is in direct violation of their registrars terms of service. It is assumed that this Jascha Wanger is not of Houston, TX but in fact from Atlanta, GA. Hiding behind a generic email account of Jascha@myrealbox.com.

I am warning everyone, so that when this individuals bandwidth gets exceeded again, and he prefers to screw his customers over than to pay his bills, they're not one of his/thier unfortunate customers.

Beware of digioso.com!!!

Panama City, Florida

Company: Digioso Internet Hosting
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.digioso.com
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