Lycos Tripod Web Sites
Fraudulent billing unreachable personal unco-operative constant run around ripoff

Internet & Web

Two years ago I wanted to build a web site for my new business. I chose Tripod at my daughter's suggestion. She was helping me build the site. I got busy and when I went back to the site to continue building I had forgotten my password or user name I don't know which or both.

When I tried to contact the company to retrieve this information I was told to go to this page, then that page and fill in the information and they would email me. When they emailed me they would not give me the information because I didn't have my password or user name (one or the other or both) correct. Hello!

I tried multiple times to communicate with someone there. I gave them infomation about the site, my name and email where someone could have figured it out. But, all I every got was an automated response by email.

I tried contacting them by phone with the number that is on my bank statement beside the monthly charge and that sends me to the web site to make any changes. The only way out I see is to close my current bank account. Because they won't cancel my account with Tripod.

This is my last hope that they will read this and make amends with me But if nothing else I hope other read this BEFORE signing up with this company.

Someone should be regulating the required information for a company to be in business on the internet.

Benson, Vermont

Company: Lycos Tripod Web Sites
Country: USA
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