EDP Card
Sterling Card Online rip-off fraudulent billing

Internet & Web

We all think "it will never happen to me", then it happens. An unauthorized transaction billed to your account.

EDP Card, what is it, I still have no clue. On the 20th of June, I checked my bank account info, and I was shocked. I had an unknown transaction of the mysterious $159.95 billed to my account. Not only that, I still had 5 pending transactions waiting to clear. Well they cleared, but along came a $100 over-draft fee charged by my bank. So here I am, 5 days later, $127 in debt to my bank, and I dont get paid for another 4 days.

Luckily, I notified my bank the day after (21st), they instructed me to call the business who charged my account. So, I tried. All I could get was 12 minutes on hold on 3 separate occasions, only to leave a message with an operator claiming I would be contacted within 24 hours. Well that never happened. I called my bank back, got transfered to 4 different on-line bankers, finally someone who could help. Heres the lucky part (well kinda), She said they would reimburse the $159.95 to my account, but in 3-5 business days! Guess thats better than nothing. I then informed her about my concern with over-draft charges. She said after my account was credited, then I should call back and talk to someone about getting that reimbursed also. What a headache.

I dont know how this happened. I was reading some of the other reports on this site and noticed some stating something about cash advance sites. I did go to one of those sites, but never did I ever give them any personal information. The most was my name and e-mail, my "junk" e-mail even! Somehow they got my address and bank information. This just boggles my mind.

I can't remember the last time I had a bank account, the one I currently have I just opened up a month or so ago. I always felt safer having my money in my posession. Just when I thought nothing like this could ever happen to me, it does BE CAREFUL!

Company: EDP Card
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 145 S. Fairfax
Phone: 8004303672
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