Poetry.com, Poets.com
Poetry.com, poets.com Scam/Ripoff, dishonest conduct

Internet & Web

Yes, it's true..! Poetry.com and poets.com is all one big scheme to swindle money out of unsuspecting poets and writers all around the world. They tell you that no money will be made from the sell of the books and poetry, but that's a lie. They profit wonderfully off of our work. They also said that the books will NOT be sold to the public, but that's another lie.

Back in October I submitted poems on their site and I was soon hassled by the company by mail and email telling me I was a semi-finalist in many contests. I thought, "Great..! I'd finally be getting recognition for my poetry." But then they told me I'd have to pay for winning awards that I've EARNED and that's the only way I could get them.

They told me my poem was about to be published in their up and coming book, Immortal Verses, and I should pay $49.95 per book and lots of other rediculous fees for postage and all. So, I paid it no mind and coughed up $85.00 and waited for what seemed like forever for my book.

About 1 year to be exact, I recieved a book called, "Forever Spoken" which featured my poem and the quality was not what I was told it would be. The material presented in the book was dull and unsatisfactory, so I found their address and phone number by calling my bank and requesting a statement.

I called the number and wrote them 2 letters demanding refunds for a total of over $100. The number is: 410-356. Even though I finally recieved my book, they still owe me money because I've been charged too much on their other site, poets.com. They haven't responded to any of my request since May. Just keep calling and writing them. Always have you're VIP number and account information handy. Also, keep a good record of any of your transactions with them in case you have to take legal actions.

Good Luck...!

Their address, email and phone info is below:

1 Poetry Plaza
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Email: contact@poets.com
Phone: 410-356

Company: Poetry.com, Poets.com
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Owings Mills
Address: 1 Poetry Plaza
Phone: 4103562000
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International Society Of Poets - International Library Of Poets - poetry.com
Poetry.com, Poet Society Where Are My Poems?!

International Library Of Poets Misleading Amature Poets

International Society Of Poets - International Library Of Poetry - Poetry
International Library Of Poetry - International Society Of Poets - Poetry false awards, fraud, mis-use, disappointment ripoff

Poetry.com and Poets.com (aka International Library of Poetry)
POETRY.com aka International Library of Poetry -A MEAN SPIRITED RIP-OFF GOES WORLD-WIDE

Poetry.com - Lulupoetry.com
Poetry I had submitted to Poetry.com is no longer there and I cannot contact anyone

Poetry.com / International Library Of Poetry SCAM
Poetry.com International Library Of Poetry SCAM False hope to all poets

Int'l Society of Poets, Int'l Library of Poets Exaggerated praise of poetry ripoff submitted money plus for trophy, medal, plaque, membership and poem in published book scam 21117

The International Library Of Poetry
Misrepresentation of my poem, not publishing it in all "collected Whispers" books

International Society Of Poets
Told me I won awards could win cash now trying to charge me for my own poetry People that write poetry need honest feedback not people trying to make a buck of them Owings Mills

International Society of Poets AKA Poetry.com
International Society of Poets Poetry.com ripoff rage