Won't honor $50.00 rebate on 1/25 purchase was to receive in 8-10 weeks has been 20 weeks have recceived nothing

Internet & Web

I bought from a Connect3D brand 2 GB SD Memory card for $50 with a $50 manufacturer rebate on February 1. I never received a confirmation of my rebate from Connect3D.

Customer Service telephone number is just a standard recording saying that rebates will be processed by a third party. No further information is given and there is no way to contact a real person. Emails are ignored.

It's been over 4 months and no rebates have been issued by this company.

According to the FTC, if the manufacturer fails to pay a rebate, the retailer will become responsible. I contacted via telephone on June 5. I was told that many unhappy customers are calling about Connect3D rebates and that I would be contacted shortly. That they would contact the manufacturer on my behalf. This is the same identical message being posted online for weeks by other customers.

Bottom-line: It's been 20 weeks and there's no way to contact the processing company to find out when or if the rebate checks will be mailed.

Company: Connect3D
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: 1762 Technology Drive Suite 223
Phone: 4084414532
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Connect3D Incorporated
Failed to send rebate checks for items purchased at Buy ripoff

Rebate Ripoff! Failed to send rebate checks

Connect 3D
This company, Connect3D has broken a contract by failing to honor a $50 rebate as per the conditions and time frame specified in their rebate form

For 1/25-2/25 2G USB & Connect3d Conspiracy on Mail in Rebates

Connect3D failed to mail me the rebate check San Jose California

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Rebate ripoff defrauded me and failed to honor rebates for items I purchased from - Connect3D
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Connect3D Incorporated
Connect3D not paying $50 rebate on product purchased from