SynapseConnect, Inc Con artists, fakes, ripoff, deceptive company

Internet & Web

This company is doing the get a free prize scam which is common. It consists of an offer for you to recieve a "free present" what you get is over priced outdated software titles or ridiculouly overpriced magazine subscriptions, and even what appears to be bootleg greatest hits cds. The catch, you have to pay a shipping fee (which equals the wholesale price of the item your ordering) which there website says is free??? BIG SCAM, one has been going around for a while under a bunch of different names.
If it offers any of the following titles:
Print Master 10
Williams-Sonoma Guide to Good Cooking
Home Improvement 1-2-3
House Beautiful 3D Interior Designer
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Software
Pearl Harbor: Zero Hour

Let these be your red flags that it is a scam (this sofware was offered as a free premium with my lexmark printer, after I had to pay $8.00 shipping charge)! Two years ago (that's some old software) while I'm sure that the company is going to say its on the up and up, and I'm sure that it is probably legal in the 4 point type on their info page, is it ethical? This reeks of a bad long distance come on. How do these guys sleep at night?

Lake Bluff, Illinois

Company: SynapseConnect, Inc
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
Address: Five High Ridge Park
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Manay Software
Ripoff Software Company Bait consumers with pitch for free software which is deceptively tied to a complicated membership contract
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud ripoff fraud business USA

Cd Earth, Llc
Deceptive Software Subscription Scam

Thinkall Publishing
Software scam, don't have anything to do with this company. Ripoff

3B Software Inc
Do not know How can one generically check for web software scams? - Clkbank SCAM they give u "access" to free software that they charge u fo

Yet another internet ripoff to drain you of your hard earned money
James Or Linda Ripped off and sent programed emails to ANY question i sent them the same thing OVER AND OVER all the info you need is located here and they give the same link to the SCAM pitch! Ripoff Ripoff Offered free laptop ater filling out 2 "offers" then it would charge you for shipping and handling This seemed OK but it isn't free This is a ripper-roo

Synapse Connect, ripoff: Contact us within 12 months from today for a full refund