Ripoff They offer to pay you every friday to be a survey taker but the surveys are just adds that will ask for your credit card # and bill you for items or services

Internet & Web

This company sucks you in by promising to pay you$30-60 per hour to take "surveys" for their reality what you are directed to are Sales ads that also promise to give you something if you sign up for their product or service. To sign up you must give your Credit Card # and agree to the service or to buy the item. Of course you can cancel, but then you don't get anything and will be calling you on the phone and sending you moer e mails. There is nothing free here, you don't get paid, you waste a lot of time and open yourself up to harrassing phone sales pitches and emails. JUST STAY AWAY FROM SURVEY TAKING!

IT just totally amazes me how companies/people can just tell lies today on the internet, television, newspapers, radios, etc. And nothing is ever done about it. At least we have this site where we can vent alittle and maybe help someone else out.

Country: USA
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Survey Advise
Buy items to WIN something free
Surveyadvise Stay Away! Offer $13 To Sign Up For Top Surveys, Takes 1.5 Hours, Last 2 Require You Buy Stuff To Win Free
Ripoff dishonest useless

Express Paid Surveys

Easy Paid Surveys
EasyPaidSurveys very deceiving, ripoff, waste of time and money, scam artists

Public Opinion Survey
They send out surveys from global opinion surveys What this company & a few others do is ask your permision to do a surveypromise you points which by the way you never see all you do is waste your time & they use your opinion to futher their custome, Paidexpressions, Paid Expressions
Is not worth your time! Internet nationwide

Survey America - Patrick Hocking
Wolves in Sheeps Clothing! You agree and they flee!

Survey Spot rip-off! They promise to pay you for taking their surveys, but they don't pay

Vindale Research