ITunes Download7.0/software Members Area
ITunes Download7.0ITunes software Members Area RIP OFF COMPANY/FRAUD/FAKE COMPANY

Internet & Web

On Jan 13th I had a problem with my IPod called apple to get help was advised to uninstall and reinsatll I tunes. I went on my browser to find Itunes down loads and tis was a fake. Rip Off

Was told it was 11.98 for 3 years for unlimited software and tec support but yet was charged $50.89 on my credit card. Called apple back and was told that this was not them they do not charge unless you are purchaseing a single. 99 or album 9.99

There is not email address or contact customer service dept. Be aware this is a scam I had to close out my card and report to my bank for them to investigate so they willnot get paid hopefully.

Company: ITunes Download7.0/software Members Area
Country: USA
Address: ItunesDownloads7. 0
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