RedZee - RedZee Search - RedZee Top3 Search Engine
Fruadulent clicks no refunds worthless traffic ripoff fraud

Internet & Web

After tracking my website statistics, it came to my attention that all the traffic I was receiving (and paying for) from RedZee search was worthless.

Here is an email that I sent to Bill Masters at RedZee - who was my account Rep...


Hey Bill,

I've been using Google Analytics to track my traffic and conversions and the traffic I receive from RedZee is questionable at best.

From all other sources we have an average conversion rate of over 3% - that's 3 out of every 100 visitors, and every single source with at least 150 referrals has at least 1 conversion - EXCEPT for Redzee!

In the past 30 days, out of 1500 referrals from RedZee there has not even been ONE SINGLE CONVERSION! Noone has even joined our Coupon Club, which costs nothing. Obviously, this violates all laws of statistics (and reality).

In addition, traffic from RedZee has a Bounce Rate of 99%, meaning that everyone just goes to the home page and then leaves from the home page without visiting any other pages or doing anything else at all. This is waaaaay beyond the norm. Yet, unexplainably, RedZee visitors stay on the site twice as long as anyone else - yet, do nothing! This reeks of suspicious click activity and fraud.

I'll be honest with you. I feel like I've been duped and I'm not happy about it.

Please refund the $1,000 that I paid last - Inv. #16631 on 10/03/06. I still have the majority of these credits remaining and do not wish to use them.

In fact, I feel that I should be refunded ALL the money that I spent with RedZee for worthless traffic; however, I am willing to just cut my losses as long as you refund my credit card the last $1,000 that was billed.

My only other option would be to call the BBB and the Florida Attorney General and report Redzee for unfair and unethical business practices.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Best Regards,

(ror redacted phone numbers and links for security purposes)


Their response was to have an "Internet Tech Guy" call me a tell me that I was interpreting the data incorrectly. This Tech Guy wasted over an hour of my time on the phone and ran me around in circles trying to confuse me.

In the end, I was told that the money I had paid was not refundable. The analogy used was, "Go buy a $20 phone card and try to stick it back in the machine and see if you get your money back."

After that conversation, I am convinced that RedZee Search is driving fraudulent traffic to their customer's websites - known as "click fraud."

In addition, I found it to be completely unreasonable that they would not even agree to refund the credits which I have yet to use and refused to even cancel my account.

Company: RedZee - RedZee Search - RedZee Top3 Search Engine
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St. Petersburg
Address: 8950 MLK St North, Suite 102
Phone: 8008837712
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Fraud - Charging For NOTHING (search Engine Click Throughs) St. Petersburg, florida redzee search engine click through fraud

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