Performance PC - Troy Langer
Ripoff dishonest frauduelent inferior product unprofessional thief abusive unreputable lier unprofessional insulting rude unethical

Internet & Web

I had trouble turning my PC on. I called Troy Langer of Performance PC, LLC. He took my PC to see what the problem was. He called me the next day & said it was the hard drive & I needed a new PC. I purchased a new PC from him for $850. This was just for the tower. There was no keyboard, mouse, speakers, or screen for this price. I put it on my credit card.

The next day Troy came with the new PC & connected it. There was a problem with the loud noise the PC made & I was told it had 3 fans to keep the motor cool and the loud sound was normal. Most of my programs were not on this new PC & I was told he couldn't retreive them. I could not send emails nor receive them. The PC had a floppy disk slot & I questioned this since I was told it was a "New" PC. He said all PC's come this way.

He spent 15 min. Connecting this pc & then he left telling me to call him that night & he would recover my Microsoft Outlook "remotely". After he left I tried to use the PC & couldn't even get my email on my web site email account. I had trouble working any function on the internet I tried.

I call Troy that night & left a message but I was never called back. I called him the next day from 8 AM till almost noon before he answered. He was sarcastic & rude. I told him I wanted my old PC back & he refused.

I attemted to return his PC & he refused. I contactd my credit card co. & registered a dispute on this charge.

For the next 4 weeks I attempted to get my old PC back & I was given a run-around. My son contacted Troy in an attempt to assist me & the communication turned into an argumentative, unprofessional response from Troy.

A week later, after more attempts by my son, Troy agreed to return my PC if I signed a paper. He came into my place of work & handed me a paper that stated..."... I will not hold Troy responsible for any lost data and I will not return the PC I bought from him nor will I reverse the charge." I refused & he said that he will not return my PC & I can take him to court.

I contacted the local Police Dept. & brought the PC I bought from Troy to them. The police Captain contacted Troy informing him that if he didn't return my PC they would arrest him for theft. He said he would bring my PC. The police informed him that he was not to come to my house but to the police dept. Troy didn't show up at the Police Department on several appointed dates, called to change the date or just didn't show up at all. This went on for over a week. When he finally brought my old PC to the Police they attempted to return his PC they but he refused to take it stating it was a legal transaction & he wasn't going to take it back.

My contacts with Troy led me to believe that he had an abusive personality & could be violent. Because of this the police instructed Troy that he was not to ever contact me in any way. Troy agreed.

I picked up my PC & the one I bought from Troy since the police could do no more for me at that point.

I sent a copy of the police report to my Credit Card Co. & I just learned last week they decided in my favor & reversed the charge on my Credit card. However I still had the PC I bought from Troy.

Yesterday, Dec. 12, I received a phone call from Troy asking for his pc back. I stated he has to talk to the police & I hung up. I contacted the police with an update of what had just happened & that Troy was NOT to ever contact me. The police contacted me today & will handle getting the PC back to Troy... After I bring it to the Police. They will also speak to him again about not contacting me.

Beware... I'm sending notification of this terrible transaction with this terrible person to the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection, every government CT I can to be sure that he doesn't do this to anyone again. Not if I can help it.

Company: Performance PC - Troy Langer
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Windsor
Address: 104 Indian Hill Rd
Phone: 8609838675
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