BMG Columbia House
Cancelled my account and they reopened it and charged me without my permission

Internet & Web

I cancelled my account with these people after fulfilling my "Purchase Obligations". Upon cancelling my account I received a certificate for one free movie. I used it and ordered the movie.

A couple of weeks ago a woman from their company called me, most likely to try and sell me something. Before she could finish I asked her why she was calling, as I had cancelled my account and did not want anything to do with them anymore.

She informed me that my account was not closed. I now believe that she opened it again, without my permission. Yesterday, 12/11/06, I find that they had charged my checking account $27.56. I was never notified of these charges, and I am extremely upset that these people can just reopen peoples' accounts and charge them without their prior knowledge. That, to me is criminal behavior.

I called their Customer Service today to ask them to credit the money back to my checking and the woman refused, stating that she can once I return the DVDs they've sent me, which have not arrived yet, nor did I ever order, since I closed my account.

She stated they have sent me DaVinci Code and Mission Impossible 3, and that it will be 2 to 4 weeks for them to arrive.

I demanded to the woman that she give me a supervisor or Corporate information. She told me that no one was available to speak with. She instead gave me information for their New York based headquarters.

I called the number in New York and got their Operator. I told her everything I told the Customer Service thief. She said she would pass my information on to a manager who would be in contact with me within 24 to 48 hours. I know better. I informed her that if I don't receive a call by then, I will get a lawyer and pursue legal action. This kind of business practice is unacceptable and downright criminal. Her reply was, and I quote, "You do what you gotta do." And the call was ended.

I've also researched this company and I am not the only one that they are practicing their dishonest policies on. This company needs to be bankrupted and pulled from the business world. They are stealing peoples' money.

Company: BMG Columbia House
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 1 Penn Plaza, 250 West 34th St., 5th Floor
Phone: 2129010700
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