Mary Gersten, Global Cash Flow Network,
Do not live up to terms-faults advertising

Internet & Web

Consumer complaints Investigation:
Global Cash Flow Network get a POSITIVE RATING from consumer complaints and are fulfilling their pledge to provide excellent customer service. Global Cash Flow Network approached consumer complaints to include us as part of their comprehensive approach to Customer Service. Global Cash Flow Network become aware of negative reports posted on consumer complaints and offered us the opportunity to view first-hand their support and Customer Service process.

Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten get a POSITIVE REPORT and pledge to resolve complaints. Consumers can feel confident & secure when doing business with Global Cash Flow Network - commitment to customer satisfaction, safeguards for their clients. Global Cash Flow Network provides the finest postsecondary education training students in Entrepreneurship and Advanced Business Skills.

For the record, Mary Gersten and Global Cash Flow Network have been very proactive in addressing client concerns as they service thousands of current students, (and over 5,000 new requests for information per week). Global Cash Flow Network is bound to be subject to a certain number of complaints based on the high volume of requests. Based on the facts, this is far below the industry average and representative of the commitment to provide high quality education and support. Read the investigative Report as well as Mary Gersten and Global Cash Flow Network's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction. provides products and services through independent representatives. Global Cash Flow Network receives over 5,000 requests for information each week and has independent representatives in over 33 different countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and more. Through it's unique CMPS Program and Analysis, the company provides a full snapshot and strategy for becoming a CMPS with the company. Global Cash Flow Network's program is attractive for people of all different types of background, especially those looking for a solid company with a commitment to education and training.

Read more about Mary Gersten and Global Cash Flow Network's commitment to total customer satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe and confident when doing business with a member of consumer complaints's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program... Yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about consumer complaints Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

now to the original report that was filed

I have had pretty much the same experience with GCFN, I had signed up with them in August 10. After surfing the net and landing on Mark Hodges Don't' Get Scammed Again telling about this program and giving it such a high reading, I thought that just maybe it was for real. I paid $328.95 p/h for the website package. Then after talking to one of the media coaches on August the 21st, he talked me into purchasing the guaranteed visitor package $2994.95 p/h. (all was paid buy using my credit card) When the end of September was fast approaching, I hadn't received a check from them so I called GCFN and talked to one of their support staff to inquire about it.

They informed me that checks were being sent out and if one was written to me that I should receive it in a few weeks. Well, a few weeks had past and no check. I not only called the next time but sent them a number of emails asking them to check my stats for me, it seemed that I was trying to asked them for a secret formula of some secret weapon or something, they couldn't tell me. (It took awhile for them to respond to my emails or to retun my calls) A couple of times they told me that their office manger is the only one that can give me that information for me but it so happens that they stepped out at the moment. (That was told to me three different times that I called).

I then received an email from one of their support staff telling me that it takes at least 30 days from the day of the sale in order to receive a check. With that in mind I waited another few weeks and still no check. I called their office and talked to one of their staff members and again I asked if there was any way that she could check my 24hourwebpage stats for me? She kept stalling buy asking me if I received the information about the affiliate stats, (I did, but not until after a couple of months into the program) but that wasn't what I was asking for.

She then told me that the accounting department would have that information but they do not except phone called in that department and that if I am to receive a check it will arrive in a couple of weeks, So again I waited and still may I dare say it? NO CHECK. They emailed me informing me about a site that could give me all of this information It is suppose to tell you the complete stats on everything, the 24hourwebpage and the affiliate sites. But they always seem to have no activity at all.

And the links in that site always went to another persons 24hourwebpage and not my own, what's up with that? At this point all of my frustrations were finally coming out, I had reached my boiling point. I had enough of being kept in the dark, being giving the run-around, I just couldn't understand why they were being so secretive about this information that wanted.

I spent over $3,200 in this program, (boy did they see a sucker coming) you would think that they would be more helpful. So again I called their office this time to talk to an office manager, because this time I was demanding a full refund.instead they connected me to Ryan, their Quality Manager. I explained to him of what has been happening during the past three months and that I was not satisfied with the program and wanted a full refund.

Well, he mentioned the 12 month deal to me and after checking on a few things while I was on hold, he came back and said that he can only give me partial payment because about half the money had already been spent on advertising my three WebPages. He said that over 2,000 visitors has seen my WebPage so they are doing their part. I asked him then why am I not getting any referral's? There should be quite a few of them and why am I not receiving any checks? He couldn't answer me. He didn't know.

Anyway, he said that he would give me another 3,000 additional Guaranteed Visitors to my site within the year. If I stay in the program. The value of this is up to $1795, he said that they would take care of the cost for me. (If they can cover the cost to do this, then why can't they refund me the full payment?) Oh yes and in addition, he will send me a special bonus, Over 50 FREE Additional Online Classified Ads. I said ok, at least I would get something for going through all of this. (I paid for this program with my credit card in which I hesitated because I feared of being scammed, but I wanted to trust them so I did.
I work hard at a near by factory, I have a wife and three kids. We basically live from pay check to pay check. I don't normally use the credit card unless it's an emergency.)

Anyway, I told Ryan that after going through all of this I cancelled my card. He asked me to reinstate the card just long enough so they could credit my account of the partial payment. It's has been four weeks and my card has not been credited the refund. And now after reading the other (victims) report, I feel that I should not settle for just partial payment, if the other person could get a full refund then why can't I? I feel that I have been through a lot with these people and I am entitled to it. So if you were to ask me if I feel that I was scammed? YES!

Millington, Michigan

Company: Mary Gersten, Global Cash Flow Network,
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 1739 E. Broadway, Suite#287
Phone: 8007198270
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Global Cash Flow Network

Global Cash Flow Network
Refund not forthcoming ripoff

Global Cash Flow Network
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Global Cash Flow Network
Who gets the money? Who benefits after all? Where all advertising i've done gone?

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I cannot do that si

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Global Cash Flow Network
Investigation: is a member of consumer complaints's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program

Global Cash Flow Network
They charged $299

Global Cash Flow Network
Is a member of consumer complaints's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.investigation revealed Global Cash Flow Network truly cares about its clients

Global Cash Flow Network
Scam Complaints Investigation: Global Cash Flow Network 100% commitment to customer satisfaction