Start Up Essentials
Dishonest, very pushy getting you to sign up, makes you sound special that you received call from them ripoff

Internet & Web

Start up essentials is a rip off company.

I spoke with a man named Greg Rosar. He was a very smooth talker. He made it sound like you were very lucky to be receiving the call from him, he was a big supervisor, compared to the other employees. He was on the committee to decide if you would be eligble to receive this special no up front fee program from A-l Leasing. Statet many times that they don't just give out these loans to anybody.

He was supposed to have called me, according to him, after just one week, then one month, three months, 6 months, on and on he went. I have yet to hear from him, and I have had the paperwork for 2 weeks now.

I should have used my 6th sense and turned him down right then and there when he said I would have to make a decision by the end of the phone call because there would not be another chance. I told him I wanted it in my spouses name and he said no problem we will just have to verify everything with him and they never did ask to put him on the phone. They had me sign his name to the contract without his authorization. Then they had me sign a new contract in his name with my signature.

That could not have been a bigger sign. What a fool I was.

Hopefully you are reading this before you sign up with Start up Essentials.

Company: Start Up Essentials
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 4455 LBJ Freeway Suite 501
Phone: 8665528845
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