False Advertising, LOU DOBBS For PRESIDENT! Ripoff New York

Internet & Web

Lou Dobbs for President!

I've been recruiting for over 19 years. I have used Hotjobs since the origination. NOW, that Yahoo has taken over it's been a mess.

I posted my resume (3) weeks ago in an attempt to look for a new recruiting consulting project. I upload a new resume every week to? Refresh'. I use every key search word known to man to attract my resume during recruiter searches.

TO DATE; my resume has NO HITS. However, I receive lots of hits on my resume from Monster and Careerbuilder.

I tried to contact Hotjobs to obtain help by phone. I was transferred all over the place from voice mail to voice mail. I received a guy on the East Coast (3 hours into my frustration) who then hung up on me as? It was not his problem.?

Their web site does NOT have an eMail contact. I bet it's because they receive too many bad eMails criticizing their services now that (fat cat) YAHOO took over.

So, employers are paying 900.00/month to have access to the database to find resumes and the resumes are not coming up in searches.

I bet on them, per their advertising, to assist me in finding a job, they are not.

Why are billion dollar companies allowed to get away with NOT offering the services they advertise? Is it because of Bush (I think He's a big part of it). You have to admit he's pretty lame and has lost control of America and his position. If he worked in corporate america he would have been fired by now.

Why are they allowed to get away with being in business without a customer service department to file complaints to fix customers problems and have it documented?

Lou Dobbs has been great! We don't need a Hoytee-Toytee Oprah for President who when one little thing happens to her, she acts like the world caved in and crys.

She should experience other peoples daily lives in corporate America sitting in a cubical of 500 employees verbally ripping you apart. Everyday, every hour; politics from pure employee hatred over lowball salaries and unpleasant, no fresh air, no sun light cubicles for 9 hours a day and 1-2 hour daily commutes. No 'work at home time' even though you have all technologies know to man that are suppose to make your life easier, faster...

The lap tops are only there so you will work weekends and PM's too, when you should be distressing from the hellish day.

Corporate America has turned into a living hell for millions of employees. Is this why the employees of Yahoo / Hotjobs appear to NOT want to do their job and answer their phone?

Have you seen people who sit in the middle of a big room in a little office box all day with the vents blowing down on them and absolutely no window? Their skin and hair get lifeless, their eyes turn yellow. They live on coffee to make it through the lack of fresh air fatigue.

I am voting for Lou Dobbs for President! I know what corporate America is doing to employees. I've sat in the HR meetings.

If you continue to sit back and take it... Your children will be living with you forever even with a MA degree, the lowest paid employees get to keep their jobs.

Companies don't retain the best employees during layoffs, only the lowest paid. Recruiters and I joke about this all the time.

People who are good at what they do, don't like working for nothing.

Again; lou dobbs for president!

My next posting about Verizon's health evaluation. You have to disclose major illnesses and surgeries to get hired. I was offered a recruiting position (with no bens) on contract. However, the offer was recended when I refused to provide my personal health information to their 3rd party vendor; major surgies, major illnesses, allergies, they wanted it all!!!

However, I have my own Blue Cross PPO and had just completed a successful year long project with Cingular prior to the ATT acquisition. I had 12 references from Cingular on my performance.

My posting on this next.

Irvine, California

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: They Wont Tell You
  <     >  


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