Planetsteffy adult dating site is a complete scam

Internet & Web

This company. Claims to be a legitimate adult dating site, yet is a complete, total, scam operation. Recently I signed on as a trial member... And amongst a long list of other problems... The first were technical issues withthe site itself... That were experienced only with THIS site. No other adult dating site, no other site whatsoever that I brows (ed). When reporting this at first to them.

Initially, there seemed to be some interest and even a "thank you" for some of my technical suggestions. Thereafter... Absolutely nothing was heard from them ever again... Most curious of which was (before the big stuff happened and rather than deal with it - they chose to simply erase my account, which is what almost all these sites will do at the first sign of any problems or their customers questioning anything)... That I asked them why they were linked or allied with AdultFriendFinder - the biggest, perhaps most notorious scam operator of adult sites on the net.

Planetsteffy has links all over their home page to this site, and probably receives revenue from them... Yet planetsteffy claims to be a real, honest, legitimate site. Then why, pray tell? As was my question to them... Ally yourself with the most notorious scammers out there (just look at the pages of testimonials against AdultFriendFinder right here on this site)?
It's sort of like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)... Aligning themselves with the big liquor manufacturers or the YMCA with the Mafia.interestingly enough... That question was never responded to... Nor the 5 or 6 other technical questions posed to them...

The msot interesting of which was that their site will frequently "strobe out".."checkerboard"... Whatever the technical terms are... Simply flash all over your screen and break up. As I have brand new equipment, the settings are just fine//and this happened with no other. Repeat, no other site. I was most curious to find out why ( their first response. They did say something about "checking it out" and maybe it was related to some of their links or sponsors. That was the end of it)... But their site will flicker all over your screen... You have to log in over and over again... But
technical issues not withstanding... The real issue of this site is their phoniness and modus operandi. When I told them I would post this... And contact the Attorney Generals of their state and mine (I have)... They did not seem to give a rip.

In "testing" out adult sites. Before actually subscribing (PLEASE SEE ADDENDUM HERE FOR WHAT I HAVE LEARNED ABOUT OTHER SITES AS WELL AS THIS ONEIt's well worth time for those who are looking...) I usually send out a lot of emails to the members I am interested in. 99.99% of these of course, on this site, on most any site (again, plrease see my addendum) are totally phony... in fact. If you spend enough time surfing the web for these adult dating sites. You will actually see the same women on a lot of them... If you don't believe me. Take notes, make a list. Print it out and see for yourself.

Now, in these emails that I sent out... It was more of an experiment really... I would deliberately list my private email address and phone number.

Invariably... With planetsteffy... With the others I will list later... The women NEVER respond to that
address (that is, your private email address or phone #).. But rather through that site itself. Now, why do you suppose that is... If they're really interested in you... And why... All of a sudden. When your "free trial membership" has just about expired... Do you now get a ton of email (much of it from somebody you didn't even contact)... But of course, you now have to subscribe to open that mail. Curious... And experimenting (the entire purpose of all this is to prepare a rather massive indictment of all these sites)... I subscribed one time... Opened the mail (after of course becoming a "paid"
member)... Only to find one liners. Sometimes three words.."Hi. I am interestd in you".. Etc... Quite obviously simply robotic bullshit...

Now, planetsteffy does offer free email, as does, but most of this mail is completely phony also. You can write a book to someone... And I will bet the ranch you'll not get more than a sentence back, if that. The womens' profiles on planetsteffy are one to three sentences long. If that... With alluring photos that purport to be that person... And catchy little headliners like..."I want three guys to cum all over me"... As posted by one "missy".

When I replied to this particular profile... I received back an extemely obscene response (as usual, less than a sentence, but obscene nonetheless)... And a similar obscenity from another member "angela55"... instead of reporting this to the planetsteffy staff (note... They do not have a "Contact Us" spot anywhere on their home page... This was one of my first suggestions to them which they seemed to appreciate)...

I decided to respond to those emails directly - just for the fun of it. As a result, these two members..."missy"..."angela55"... Decided
to take all this a step further, elicit yet another ally..."bradhunk"... Who no less than on a public bulletin board threatened me outright and insulted me... Even though he knew me not or nothing of this matter... And this in turn led to other posts on their public bulletin boards which ultimately proved to be rather viscious as they solicited still other members to join their bandwagon.

Again, I responded directly... And not exactly in a mild fashion. As I now posted my own public bulletin about what this was all about. And remailed to each member I had sent an email that the allegations that I had emailed every women on the system the identical email. Were simply not true. And they weren't. Result of all this? Next time I tried to log-in... I was apparently deleted. And the planet steffy folks apparently thought this was the way to handle it. Little do they know. When I informed them I would report all this here... There was no response either.

Guys... (or girls).. Stay away from planetsteffy. Their cheap membership price is only another come-on. As with most any of these sites... Anything you want extra will cost you. But they will all delude you into thinking that you're getting something for free in your "trial" membership... And if you are dumb enough to subscribe to one... You will be sorry. None of it is ral... No matter how cleverly they package it. The great "Dr. Phil". On TV all the time... A good guy, right? His site... Has more complaints than all the others put together.

As a further experiment. On some, or most of the sites. After I entered a profile... I would wait a few days and edit... Keying in my phone number or email address in a camouflage attempt. Not once, not ever, out of dozens of sites, did I ever get one phone call or email message. Although it was in there somewhere...

These sites are just too clever... They will either delete that info. Or what YOU see on your screen is not what your supoposed audience SEES. And I varied these profiles considerably, deliberately. My best guesstimate is that out of 500 or so emails sent out on these various sites... I might have received 1 or 2 semi-legitimate responses.

I say semi. Because upon further pursuit... They too turned out to be total nonsense.

Plentyoffish... True. A free site. Has its' links to all kinds of scam operators also. Many of their profiles (at least the women I've checked out) ultimately result in nothing more than a hooker (no, you'll never meet her) redirecting you to yet another site where you will of course have to pay to see her "full" pictures or story. Guys... If it looks too good to be true. It generally is. Even this planetsteffy was listed right here on usacomplaints. Coms by some guy who said if you wanted to find a legitimate site, go there. Well, I did, and it was nothing more than the usual bullshit in a different package.

What is really interesting about these sites... And one way you can check out whether or not you want to invest money in them... Is to write them beforehand. Their customer service... Ask them questions. General, technical, anything..."is there a character limitation in your emails"..."what's your refund policy"... A laugh that one... But ask them anything. 99 out of a hundred will not even reply to you... So if they don't reply while you're checking them out... How much more will they do so once you've given them your hard earned cash?

AND BEWARE ESPECIALLY HERE... This is how they really rake it in:

A lot of them will offer you a free rail. During which you "can try everything"... Total bullshit. These free trails NEVER give you what they say they do. Furthermore... Now watch out. If you do sign up for some temporary bargain price... Like $6.95 for thirty days instead of their usual $39.95... Beware... That unless you cancel it in writing... After that trial... This amount will be repeatedly deducted from your checking account or credit card... Every 30 days... And yes, it's technically semi-legal (more on that later)... If you are a regular "adult" surfer. You need to change your crdit card number often. Just ask the bank for a different or new card... And DONT EVER go the route of the electronic (giving them your check number and account) checking account billing... If you just don't believe me about these sites and "gotta have it"... Send them a traceable U.S. Postal money order.

Once your trial has expired... You will all of a sudden find your inbox full of mail, that you of course, cannot open, until you sign up. Always from alluring women... Many of which you've not even written to... Most all of which do not even exist... But they have you thinking they do.

If I am wrong... I welcome the challenge. For every one of you 100 guys (or girls) out there that have subscribed to one of these... If 10 or even 5 of you had actual success... And can prove it... I'll eat my words.

In a few weeks to a few months... There is a lot of legal stuff... As well as a host of issues... Solicitation of prostitution, interstate fund transfer, fraud. It's a long list... I will be posting an exhaustive summary of all of this... This is a tiny fraction of whats been uncovered so far.

Here are some tidbits in the meantime to keep you beware:

Myspace... Very dangerous site, esp from the point of view of your PC and your privacy... My firewall alarms go off like crazy every time I am on this site ("unsolicited connection attempts"... Trojans... You name it)... When I wrote them about this there was no response. They will post public bulletins that
you did not even write... Most of the women will turn out to be "escorts", etc. Redirecting you to yet another paid site.

At one time, (I have the printout).. My firewall registered 71 events from them... No adult site as even come close... Except... One of the most clever. Have these little free "IwantU".. One liners that you can send out for free... Assuming they actually work. One night. Over a 3 hour period. I sent out 642.. And received not a singular response.

Women listed in one locale will appear in another. Photos often change... But are the same profiles... Just switched around. Customer service will respond to nothing. They are located in Canada. Now why do you suppose. Besides tax reasons. They are there?

HornyMatches,,, These are all scam operations... Just look at the testimonials in here.
I hate to say this guys... But the homelier the women look. The more likely it is a realistic site... I.E... If it's a slobbering 200 pound woman slobbering across her kitchen table offering to cheat on her husband. Chances are, that's for real.

Adult sites in general: what you see is what you get... Redirection over and over again. Your computer locked out and so on... Even these that claim they are "really free" will redirect you and shut you out... And those that say if "you only sign up".. Beware. Once you do. You will get about 10% of what you signed up for with constant redirection tp buy more. for example... Cheap at $6.95 or whhatever it is, right? Half the stuff on this site does not work. No "conatct us" page...

Folks... Why do you think the porn industry is a 100 BILLION dollar business?

IF you have found a legitimate site - dating or otherwise. And you can prove it (i.E. You are not a staff member, etc..) I will
personally check it out and write endless praise.

Till then, save your money... You'll do better in your local bar.

Country: USA
State: Internet, Nationwide
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New site a disappointment ripoff Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Planet Steffy, Planetsteffy
Planet Steffy, is a scam Fake people abound
Www., Robert Hearn, Steffy1, Softandsteffy, Irishearn, Planetsteffy FRAUDULENT COMPANY STILL UP Philadelphia

AKA Robert And Iris Hearn ripoff Cliston Heights

Planet Steffy
Stole my money Internet

Adult Friend Finder
Adult Friend ripoff This site is a big rip-off! Just like many of the other sex sites out there, New Edge Media
Deceptive sent fake messages to me to fraudulently lure me into buying membership Internet