Global Net Warehouse
Ripoff I feel financially raped! They prey on the uneducated and the lonely or desperate money seekers that are trying to pay there bills, the company is just lining there own pockets

Internet & Web

It started in May. I was seeking information on a stay at home job through the internet. Global Net contacted me and sold me the world.

I was skeptical at first, but was willing to try to make this company work. I agree, that you must spend money to make money. I also agree that you have to work for your business in order for your business to grow.

However, the cost of the products are too high for my area, the internet consumers. As far as I have heard, I am not the only one with this opinion.

My cost on most products was higher than Global Net Warehouse suggested retail. I would have to mark a lot of the products to 1% markup in order to compete with the internet prices of other businesses on the net. That is not what they advertised verbally and written.

I agree, that no-one can compete with - . On the other hand, I never assumed I would carry the same products as - , because I was falsely told that I would be selling high quality, name brand products.
I believed that my products would speak for themselves. They do not. I haven't seen anything that my customers will buy or want to buy.

I have inquired on this with my local customers and they believe they could beat the price in a Name brand store. I DO KNOW that my opinion is probably different than consumers around the world, but I am still a consumer and this was suppose to be my business.

I have contacted this company since june and left messages. No one would return my call or respond via mail. They were still billing my credit card without authorization. I cancelled in plenty enough time for them to fix there auto responder billing. They billed after cancellation.

I am now seeking action with the attorney general and pursuing a class action lawsuit on this matter. My credit card company is seeking legal matters on charges of fraud and unathorized charges.

PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE LAWSUIT. I will not stop until the situation is resolved! Remember, I am a stay at home mom with an educated background, with an attitude on this matter!

meridian, Mississippi

Company: Global Net Warehouse
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: P.O. Box 597
Phone: 6014854036
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Global Net Warehouse Ripoff The low cost home business started out at $399 and quickly went to $10,000 see what we are stuck with easyshopper.Biz,

Publisher clearance House Rip-off

Global Net Warehouse
Globalnetwarehouse. Comg exponged $16,000 from me on promises of setting up own website, internet ads, and providing more than 10,000 products to sell Internet

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Arizona They stole from me, quite honestly