Ripoff for over a year Phoenix Arizona

Internet & Web

Webclubinternational charged me startup fees and monthly fees for over a year. I stopped the charges by changing my Visa account information. They gave me a Website SHOPPINGWITHCATONAS.com. My website appears to still be active, but I can't get in to check on any orders, or back office information. I call and leave messages for someone to contact me, and give acces cobes to no avail.

I would like to know how much money has been collected through my website over the last year and be compensated accordingly. If you can contact them I would like an itimized report from start to finish. All of the
sites they said would be on my website appear there, but I have no access to any of the back offices through the affiliate programs. If you can contact them. Please have them send information requested ASAP. Thank you

Company: Webclubinternational
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8667071707
Site: webclubinternational.com
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Ripoff The company who said they'd help me set up my own website which is non-existent so fa

The RiCH Company
Ripoff Internet

2nd year they have charged me without permission

Rollercoasterstocks.com, roller coaster stocks they will not cancel a internet purchase, the keep billing me year after year, my TD Visa keeps getting billed, TD Visa has tried to contact thier accounting office but do not get any answers

The Greatest Vitamin In The World - Gauranteed Traffic
Do Not Order This Program! It is a RipOff!

The Greatest Vitamins In The World Don Lapre
Sold me advertisement then a website then advertisements guaranteed 12000 hits per month with a guarantee of 1005% ofover $5000 refund in 1 year ending sept. 2007 web site and phone is no longer accessable

Consumer Report

Green Dot Visa Prepaid Card - platnum Elite - premierrebate
Green Dot Visa Prepaid Card - platnum Elitegreen Dot Visa Prepaid Card - platnum Elite - premierrebate The rebate is a RIPOFF it doesn't exist-they got my SSN I wonder what they'll do with that? Lansing michigan

Can't log in account sense two years

Do not use hostonce